Chapter 25: Dorian Saunders

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I don't get a lick of sleep. Instead, I'm left with a sore body and a tired mind. I slept on the couch last night because I'm not a dumbass. I don't know who I was last night. I had always wanted to be that rough with someone, but I was just so fucking angry, I thought I could take it out on Kate. 

And I know I shouldn't have. I know that was so wrong of me. She doesn't understand why I did it. I can't say anything until I get the go-ahead from Alpha that I'm allowed to kick her out of my fucking house, but it's driving me crazy. 

It's the lingering perfume and knowing that she's sleeping in the bedroom from mine. It's her leftovers in the fridge and her clothes on my bedroom floor. It's her stupid show on my Netflix continue-watching list. It's her bathing suit laying outside to dry off. 

It sends chills down my spine.

I hear her movement inside the bedroom and take a sip of coffee to try and calm myself. I can't lash out now, and I can't hurt her. Not that I want to hurt her physically, but I kind of want to rip her apart emotionally. 

Maybe that makes me the bad guy, but I find it so fucked that she made herself at home here and let herself near my children knowing, fully knowing, that she was playing a game. This was just another mission. I was just another guy she had to fuck and fuck over. My children were just pawns to her. 

We didn't mean anything. Our sex, her words, her smiles, her kisses, they meant absolute shit. And she even has the audacity to ask me what's wrong. 

She's what's fucking wrong. Everything about her. 

Every single thing she represents is what's wrong. She probably doesn't even care. We're nothing more than chess pieces to her.

In her mind, I'm sure she doesn't owe me shit. She's just going to walk away like the bitch she is and to hell with the rest of us. Never mind the emotional turmoil my children are going to have to go through now. 

What's worse is that Alpha expects me to keep up appearances for her like she hasn't ruined me. 

He expects me to let her just live her life the same way without any fucking consequences. It's fucking bullshit. It's all bullshit. I don't owe either of them this. We don't need her to take Andrew down. We've done bigger jobs before. All of this is so fucking wrong.

Kate steps out of the bedroom looking like shit (good, she deserves it), and I can barely look at her face. I can't even hate her. I still can't find it within me to hate her. I should hate her, but I can't.

"I'm sorry-"

Fuck it. I'm taking her to her father's house. Last night, I told Carbon and Tank what was going on. They asked, and I answered. After some time, we found Andrew's warehouse address. Fuck Alpha's plan. This shit needs to end now.

"We're going somewhere."

She gulps, eyeing me as if I'm a threat.

"Where are we going?"

"Do you need to ask that question?"

"Bear, please. I know you know. I have a plan, I swear. And I'll leave."

"Fuck you and fuck your plan."

"I didn't mean-"

"I don't care. Get your clothes on and any weapons you want. It's time, Kate. You gotta face your demons."

I turn my face away from the devastation on her face, but she doesn't argue. She knows she can't. It's too late for her to apologize, and I'm not going to take it even if she tries.

Bear: Devil's Rose MC #7Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя