"She blames me,she always tells me that I'll never find a another girl like you and I should only be having kids with you" he slowly said as he was hearing himself talk,his expression then soften as he took my hand in his

"Y/n,I'm so sorry on how I treated you back then..we were teenagers but you weren't a mistake at all and that's why I'm making it all up to you now whether is taking you on dates or..you know" he said as he side eyed Vanessa making me cackle

"It's okay mikey,you shown me that you grew up on things and that makes me believe you're very serious about us-

"Of course I'm serious" he said,I smiled as I placed my hand on his cheek. "I'll set up a dinner with my parents and we can tell them"

"Okay,do they know Vanessa's birthday is coming up?" I asked,he nodded

"They're grandparents,of course they wouldn't forget their only grandchild's birthday" we laughed,I clicked on my phone to check the time.Miguel quickly noticed,

"Why don't you guys stay over? I don't mind,you know I don't" he said,I smiled on how cute he is

"Yeah why not?" I said,his face lit up before he stood up from the couch

"Hey princess,you want to go pick out your pajamas for tonight?" He asked her,she gasped dramatically before getting up from the floor

She jumped, "yes,yes,yes" she said as I laughed at them.He picked her up and took her upstairs,I got up and started looking around.

He had pictures of his family,him with friends and him with Vanessa.He always loved taking photos for memories,I heard footsteps come down stairs causing me to turn my head

"Don't you want to pick out your pajamas?" He asked,I scoffed

"What pajamas? I don't have any-ohhhhh" I said,he chuckled

"You're sleeping with me remember?" He whispered,I shook my head

"You're dirty" I pointed at him

"You love it when I'm dirty-come on" he said before rushing upstairs as I heard Vanessa calling for her dad,I laughed as I sprinted upstairs.

Vanessa was changed into her pjs,I looked at her in awe "oh my god,you look so cute" I said in a baby voice as miguel smiled

"Okay niña,you need to go to bed" miguel said


finally,nessa was knocked out in her bed that was in another room right next to Miguel's.That room had extra pictures of him and her together with more toys,he placed big pillows on the side that wasn't against the way so she doesn't fall

Luckily,she doesn't sleep crazy cause she barely even moves.We kept her door open just in case,miguel bought a night light for her that shines out of a Disney princess since she's afraid of the dark.

Miguel and I walked into his bedroom,we had to leave the door open just in case nessa had to wake up in the middle of the night. "I love the way you decorated her room" I whispered

"I know,now take off your clothes" he demanded,I almost choked on my spit


"To sleep comfortable,duh,I'm not always gonna touch you" he said walking to his side of the bed,I sucked my teeth

"You don't believe that yourself-

"Yeah I really don't" he said laying down and placing an arm over his head,I started taking off my pants as he watched me.I gotten the chills since those eyes were on me

I slid them off before putting my hands in my shirt and unclip my bra,he cleared his throat as he sat up "it's hot as hell in here" he muttered while turning on the AC

I chuckled, "so take off your shirt" I said causing him to look at me "yeah take it off". he scoffed before quickly sliding his shirt off,

"It's not a problem" he said,I gave him a look before turning off the light and crawling into bed. "Wow dark room with the AC on,we going to pass out"

I chuckled as I moved closer to him and placed a hand on his chest while he wrapped his arm around my waist as I felt his thumb move back and forth slowly.

I move my hand up to touch his face,my finger hit his lip so I took advantage and moved my head closer to connect his lips with mine.

This went on for a while before I felt him move his hand up my shirt,we were breathing heavily.He moved his body on top of me as we continued to make out,

Miguel was right,The dark room with the AC on,the moonlight shining through the window hood enough for us to see each other's faces.

"Now you take these off" he whispered as I felt him remove my underwear as I started smiling ear to ear,

"Miguel" I whispered


"What about Vanessa?" I asked,he placed his finger between his lips to signal me to be quiet as we heard Vanessa cute snores coming from her room.

"Relax" he said before leaving kisses on my neck as I covered my mouth to not laugh,he then started kissing down as he lifted up my shirt as my breath hitched..

Spoiling y'all

Love you🫶🏻

•The Baby Daddy•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora