Now you just felt sympathy and muffled ire deep within yourself.

After a little bit of prying hands from your shirt, you managed to place Moon on the table. He looked ever so displeased, especially with the light shining on him like that.

"What seems to be the problem?" Asked Freddy, fixing the glasses on his face.

Your lips twitch and you slowly remove the coat from over Moon, watching as he crunched his face in a frown.

To say Freddy looked shocked would be an understatement. Perhaps he saw the heavy collar on their neck, or maybe the blood on their clothes or the bruises littering their body. Though, based on his soft blue eyes trailing and stopping at their leg, you believe he found the main reason for your visit.

He cleared his throat, turning to you. "How about we speak a little, I'll call a nurse to give them a cleaner set of clothes."

You spare a glance at Moon and lean closer to make sure they're hearing you. "I'll be right back, okay? Someone will get you cleaner clothes, so don't worry. I'll be right back." You aren't sure what you see on their face when you said that, but it looked like a sort of hopelessness and disappointment. You do not know what to make of it.

Freddy leads you out and calls a nurse, telling them to go check the size and get Moon a gown to change into instead of the wet clothes they're trembling in. He even offers you some, but you deny him.

Folding your coat in your arm, you look back at the brown bear, watching him reread the papers given to him. "I can recognize the collar anywhere. But if they aren't yours...?"

You shake your head, debating if you should tell him or not. You can't deal with the police now, not with the crushed mental and physical state the two are in. "No... no. I just helped them. Got them out of a river."

Freddy looks intensely at you, those baby-blue eyes now a little darker. "Hmm, I see. I would not imagine them holding someone who have harmed them." He thoughtfully said, and now you understand the dark look wasn't sent your way. "The... owner should be reported if those injuries were caused by them."

The words make you snort. "He almost run me over by his car when I caught him in his act."

The look on Freddy's face was almost laughable.

Your sarcastic smile falls into a frown, trying to shove down the thoughts about the man. "I don't know his name, never met him in my life until today." You shrug, immediately regretting it as pain shoots in your system. You were determined to find him after you deal with this. Or, well, maybe he will save you the trouble and come dig his own grave. Whatever comes first. "Anyway. I need you to take a look at their leg, they said they can't feel it anymore." A look of uncertainty paints your face as a thought sneaked its way into your mind.

Hopefully, it wouldn't resolve to that...

Freddy seems to drop the questions, seeing your solemn expressions.

Opening the door, Freddy leads you back in. The nurse seemed to have gotten ahead and taken Moon's medical readings, who seemed to look as tired and as hopeless as you had left him. When his red eyes meet yours, he seems to perk up.

Was he not expecting you to come back?

The nurse put everything away and handed Freddy another paper, the readings she had got from Moon, it seems. Freddy thanks her as she takes her leave, leaving the room in silence as Freddy moves to sit back on the computer chair, typing away a few things.

You go to stand beside Moon, who curled on himself, now in a hospital gown, green in color. With it being short, it let you see all the scars and cuts and bruises over them, though, you couldn't linger your stare, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. "Hey, Moon." You soothe. "You alright there, dear?"

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें