"What is your name?" I whispered to him.

He turned to me slightly. "Snake." He said simply, turning forward again. "Your husband has requested I keep an eye on you while you are here. So you have nothing to worry about." He assured.

"Why can he not be here?"

"That is unknown to me. But rest assured, Mrs. Hatake, you will be safe." He said with a small head nod.

I gave him a small nod in understanding and returned my attention forward as we continued to follow behind The Hokage. Stopping outside one of the rooms, The Hokage held the door open for me, encouraging to enter first. It felt weird having the Hokage himself holding the door open for me. Wrong almost. Like I should be the one holding it open for him. I might not remember who he was, but I know what the Hokage's role is. He's an important man. A strong, honorable shinobi who is suppose to lead an entire village. Yet here he was holding the door open for me.

"Thank you, sir." I said with a small head bow as I walked through the door.

He gave me a smile and returned the nod before following close behind me.

The room was much more inviting compared to the hospital. Actually if anything, it looked more like a bedroom than a hospital room. The only thing that gave it away was the very obvious hospital bed. 

But the room seemed vaguely familiar. Like I had been here before.

Stepping further into the room I looked more closely at the small stack of books, most of them were fairy tales or mystery novels, and the small photos resting on the floating shelves. To my surprise, they were pictures of me and Kakashi. But we were much much smaller. Maybe five or six. In each one while I looked practically ecstatic to be around him, he looked like an absolute grump, which made me giggle. But my eyes stopped at one in particular. There was Kakashi and I on one side, and the other side was . . .

"Obito and Rin." I whispered brushing my fingers gently across their faces.

Behind us was a blond haired man, his arms wrapped around Kakashi and Obito as if trying to keep the two of them in the frame. . . or from killing each other.

I turned to the Hokage and to my surprise everyone was watching me. "I-uh- sorry, I just -"

"It's okay, my dear. You can continue." He assured with a smile.

"I-I use to live here didn't I?" I asked scrunching my brow together as I tried to form the memories.

He nodded his head. "For a little while, yes."

I turned back to the photo's on the shelf and stopped at the one of Kakashi and I with another man. He looked just like Kakashi now, just older.

"This is his dad, right?" I asked the ANBU who had moved next to me. I wasn't sure how I knew he was there. I didn't hear him, but it was like I could feel him.

"Yes. Do you remember him?" Snake asked.

I nodded my head slightly. "Sakumo, right?" He nodded. "This was before, he killed himself." I added. I don't know how I knew, but I did. I was confident in what I said. Sad, but confident. There was a drastic difference in Kashi's demeaner in this picture compared to the others. He was happy, truly happy.

"I am not certain, but -"

"That's okay. I am. I remember." I said somberly before turning away from the photo.

There was a small knock on the door before it opened. A petite woman was standing in the door way, she was a little bit older than I am. Her burnet hair hung just below her chin and her onyx eyes were wide as her gaze fell on me. She was wearing a long grey kimono with a fishnet underlay. Held in her hands was a pink pig, to my surprise wearing clothes?

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now