Chapter 9: Arrival

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The plane descended smoothly onto the runway, bringing an end to their journey. Rossweisse, still deeply asleep, rested on Issei's shoulder, completely unaware of her surroundings. Issei glanced down and noticed drool staining his jacket, prompting an irritated sigh.

"Great," he muttered, annoyance lacing his tone. Determined to wake her, he shook her shoulder assertively. "Rossweisse. Rossweise, wake up," he urged, impatience seeping into his voice.

Rossweisse shifted wearily, her exhaustion apparent as she murmured, "Issei? I really don't have the energy for tasks today. Can we, you know, continue resting?" Her words carried a genuine request for some much-needed rest.

Issei let out a sigh, his aura subtly shifting to gently wake her without making a spectacle. Caught off guard, Rossweisse snapped awake, her words tinged with a mix of urgency and worry. "Huh?! What's happening? What's going on?!"

"We've finally touched down. It's about time we make our way out of this Airport and get things moving," Issei replied, his patience wearing thin.

Finally aware of her surroundings, Rossweisse sprang to her feet, retrieving her smaller baggage from the overhead compartment.

Issei's thoughts echoed his frustration, "If it were my call, I would've simply flown here on my own accord, but I ended up escorting my plus one."

Exiting the plane, they made their way to the terminal, where the process of customs and baggage check awaited them. Rossweisse faced a barrage of questions about her luggage, particularly regarding Issei's peculiar clothing choices.

Raising an eyebrow, the customs officer asked, "Sir, where are your belongings?"

Before Issei could respond, Rossweisse interjected, her voice carrying a hint of discomfort, "I'm sorry; he's got a bit of an unusual taste when it comes to dressing. He likes his clothes to have a dash of femininity!" Issei sensed a knot tightening in his throat as Rossweisse uttered the words, his unease becoming tangible.

Within Issei's mind, Ddraig's laughter echoed, "Hahaha! She's onto you now," he teased, mocking Issei playfully.

Observing Issei closely, the customs officer eventually let them pass, commenting, "Okay, that'll be all now; you and your best friend have a good time!" Ddraig's laughter resonated within Issei's thoughts, teasing him for being perceived as nothing more than a gay best friend.

Issei, his face crimson with embarrassment and frustration, managed a grudging reply, "It's fine," all the while sensing Ddraig's amusement at his predicament.

Moving forward, they approached the next station for passport checking. The officer scrutinized their passports, ensuring the individuals in the photos matched the ones before him. Issei had Azazel work his supernatural connections, altering his passport to reflect his current appearance. Otherwise, comparing his pre-time dilated self and the current Issei would have raised questions, leading to assumptions involving skilled plastic surgeons or devilish deals.

Once their identities were verified, the officer cheerfully remarked, "You and your lover have a good time now!" Issei and Rossweisse exited the section, Issei curious about her blushing reaction to the claim. At the same time, he remained unfazed, ready to embark on their journey.

Standing outside the Airport, Rossweisse glanced at Issei, her voice tinged with curiosity, "Does the system say anything now?"

Issei shook his head; disappointment was evident in his expression. "No, not yet," he replied, his tone laced with frustration as he checked the system again.

Suddenly, a notification popped up, catching Issei's attention. His eyes widened in realization, and he exclaimed, "Oh, there's one now." The momentary anticipation filled the air as they both awaited the crucial information that would follow.

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