Chapter 9 - Fin-Tastic Motors

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The gang bid farewell to Tania and Johnzel, feeling their determination grow stronger with each step they took. they made their way to the address Tania had scribbled on the napkin, eager to meet the mysterious lady who could provide the necessary aircraft for their mission.

Upon arrival at the location, they found themselves standing in front of a quaint little store. The sign displayed the words "Fin-Tastic Motors!" Sonic looked at his friends excitedly, "Looks like we've come to the right place, guys!"

As they opened the door, a gentle jingle filled the air. Sonic and his allies entered the shop, which had an aquatic theme, behind the counter sat a Mobius with smooth teal scales, sporting steampunk goggles on her head. She was engrossed in a magazine but seemed to notice their arrival, as she closed the magazine and spun her chair around to greet her newest customers.

Clearing her throat, the shark lady spoke in a monotone voice, "Ahem... Welcome to Fin-Tastic Motors. What brings you here today?" Mid-sentence, she paused and squinted at the group before her. Suddenly recognizing these heroes, her eyes widened in shock, causing her to lose her balance and tumble off her chair with a resounding "bam!"

"Are you okay, miss?" Sonic hurried to the counter to check on the lady. "Yes yes... I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting a world-famous hero to suddenly appear in my dainty little shop" Slowly getting up, she hopped over the counter and shook Sonic's hand. "The name's Loni," she greeted with a smile. "Well, as you already know, I'm Sonic, and these are my friends!" Sonic gestured toward his companions. Loni interrupted, "So... what brings the blue blur to my little shop?"

"Oh, well, Tania recommended this place to us," Sonic began, but Loni quickly interjected, "Ah! Of course, she would." Sonic gave the shark a puzzled look before continuing, "Well, we need a plane or some kind of vehicle that can transport us quickly to Eggman's Lair before the wedding..." He mumbled the last part under his breath. "And Tania said you would let us use one of your spare planes," Sonic explained.

"Hmm, I could let you use some of my planes. However, they are mostly old and unusable..." Loni pondered, placing a hand on her chin. "But I can let you use my newest creation, the AquaWing." Although Loni spoke with a deadpan voice, there was unmistakable passion behind her words. "I'll even let you use it for free." Sonic glanced back at his friends, noticing their excitement at not having to pay a single ring for the plane. "BUT! If I find ANY damage on my prized possession, I won't hesitate to charge you a thousand rings for repairs," Loni warned, glaring at them to emphasize her point. The entire group nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, we won't damage your plane!" Tails reassured the mechanic. "Good. The AquaWing should be in the basement. Follow me," Loni said. She went behind the counter and opened a hidden hatch that had been concealed from view. Though the crew looked at each other with a mix of confusion and mistrust, they decided to trust the mechanic and follow her.

Descending the ladder, they were greeted by a room that kinda look like that one scene in The Mario Movie, when they making the karts or something idk. Loni led them to the impressive AquaWing. "There it is! The one and only! Does any of you know how to fly a plane?" Loni questioned the group.

"Don't worry! I'm the pilot here!" Tails exclaimed, raising his hand. "Excellent! I hope you enjoy flying my state-of-the-art plane," Loni replied, smiling.

"Now, don't you guys have somewhere to be? Good luck on your adventure!" The gang boarded the plane, and Loni pressed a button on a remote to open the large garage door. They waved goodbye to the mechanic as they took off, continuing their journey toward Eggman's Lair to rescue Sonic's love, Katie.

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