This wasnt the plan | Chaewon ( part 10 )

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Here is another update cuz the last one was smol :)

// Author- Nim Felix ~

Y/n walks in behind the others with the bags and puts evrything in their waiting room, he's a bit startled when Sakura suddenly taps His back " i get the feeling You should wear these.. " she hands him a mask and a cap and shades " unless You wanna be found out immediatly.. people know You these days so.. yk. If You wanna keep the attention away from You for a while" she smiles " we can handle that part " she tries to wink but fails and eunchae who is watching while eating a snack chuckles while covering her mouth so the snack doesnt escape..

" thank you Kkura, yeah probably a good idea.. " y/n puts on the accessories and then proceeds to wait for the fimmies.

However the fimmies end up being bored while waiting so they ask him to play some games with them or something

" okey sure ? What games are you thinking exactly ?"

Kkura " well, I'd love to say animal crossing or something like that but more like a card game or just a verbal kind of game yk? To pass time "

Yunjin and Chaewon chuckle " ofc she'd mention her console games"

" ohhh I know !" Manchae exclaims " how about we play the whisper game ?"

Kazuha " oh yeah haven't played that in ages.. how did that go again??"

" well the first person whispers a word or a phrase in someone's ear and then they whisper to the next until the last person says the word out loud to see how wrong it is !" Now the maknae is really excited just explaining so no one has the heart to disagree. She gets to start as well

So she whispers to Sakura " Chaewon unnie has mandu cheeks"

Sakura whispers to yunjin " Chaewonie has mandu cheeks"

Yunjin to Kazuha " Chaewon unnie's mandu freaks??"

Kazuha to chaewon " Chaewon unnie's many freaks"

Chaewon to y/n " c- cha " she breaks and laughs " YA?! What's this supposed to mean - you are impossible " she turns to her members and tries to compose herself , she tries again " Chaewon unnie's ma - " she chuckles abruptly " man.. manly freaks.."

Y/n is now a huge question mark " what? Chaewon unnie's manly freaks ?? What does that mean" he's so confused and eunchae is now rolling on the floor

" HAHA HE SAID UNNIE - ALSO WHAT ARE MANLY FREAKS?! I said Chaewon unnies mandu cheeks for your information " and now everyone is laughing, Chaewon being a little angy as she usually is making angy noises like " aughhhhhw" or something. But she also can't help but laugh

They have to stop there tho as it's time to go in to the venue and meet the fearnots.

So y/n leads the way " okey we srsly gotta calm down now" " Pff- but that was hilarious "

They all agree and when they walk out from behind the curtains they're greeted with loads of cheers. Y/n holds the curtains and then walks behind Eunchae who is last in line and makes sure everyone gets to their place. Then he stands behind them right around the middle so he can have a good overview for the day. And the fan meeting kicks off with them greeting the fearnots

" hello, we are Lesserafim !" They all bow and en take their seats as the fearnots cheer.

It's all going well, the fans are getting to greet them one by one and y/n is making sure the managers hand out the water and blankets since the fimmies ( specifically Sakura ) asked for it for all of them.

So he goes back behind the curtains briefly and leaves the situation to his colleague for a minute. Which is fine since it's going smoothly.

However he takes off the mask and the shades while looking for the key to the cooling box for their water so when he comes back out he makes a bigger splash than the water would have if it hit the floor..

* a lot of cheers can be heard and everyone, including the fimmies are turned towards y/n *

So, for some reason y/n ended up being a bit famous too, whoops - let's see what Chaewon thinks about the attention he gets 👀👍🏼

A little bit of a short chapter again but I wanna keep updating 😭👍🏼

// Author-Nim Felix

Izone Oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora