This wasnt the plan - Chaewon ( Part 2 )

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Oh shit - this hit 1k reads - ?! Thank you??

Okey so ngl i forgot i started this - time to update while being bored at work 💀😂😂

// Author-Nim Felix

~ 3.45 am, alarm ringning ~

Y/n wakes up instantly after having slept for at most 2 hours cuz he found it very hard to fall asleep after yesterday. But despite this he is instantly up and getting ready. The feelings he has rn are hard to explain, he's incredibly nervous and also so excited to get to meet and work for Lesserafim today.. and forward. He also got a package from hybe as soon as he got home yesterday with his uniform so he got up, got ready and then he got dressed and headed of to work.

After about a 10 minute buss ride he arrived to the building. And someone in the same outfit was waiting by the entrance

"You just be mr.Kang yes ? Our newbie bodyguard ?" Said the man by the entrance

"Yes sir that would be me" he said surprisingly confidently considering all the feelings he's feeling right now

"Perfect, then we will get going immediately. The van and our colleague mrs.Lim who is the manager in charge today should be just around the corner here. I'll explain stuff on the way but basically you're gonna have to watch and learn for a few days now. Your first name is y/n right? I'm Lee young-wook, call me yoongwoo for sort " he ended his long rant with an assuring smile as they both went toward the van, yn nodded and agreed to his many questions and words " okey, yongwoo... well in that case just call me y/n or whatever you feel like, thank you for the warm welcome"

They then found the van and Mrs.Lim and greeted her. Once that was done they all got into the van. The bodyguards in the back while Mrs.Lim sat behind the wheel. They drove towards Lesserafim's dorms and the whole way there y/n was bombarded with information and questions. And he tried his best to keep up

"Alright, I know that's a lot of information but you'll remember most of it whenever it's necessary's for today just observe and learn. I mean if you can why not try and get to know the artists a bit ? Could be helpful since they're the ones you'll be working with guaranteed every time" youngwoo ended

"I - think I kinda followed that, but alright I'll watch and learn.. and about that - not gonna lie I'm very nervous about that.. but I'll do my best. Not to get annoying or anything but Lesserafim are my favorite group - overall so i might be a bit akward for a bit you never know... I'll do my best tho"

" don't you worry about it, they're quite understanding. And so are we. You'll get used to it tho.."

- After the rant there was really no time for y/n to catch his breath cuz they arrived at the dorms -

"Alright then we're here. Now then - basically what we do is escort them, we don't technically need to go in to the dorms now the managers usually do that. Sometimes we don't have a manager with us tho so we do have to some mornings hence why you'll be going with Mrs.Lim " and yongwoo pats y/n on the back to push him forward

Y/n is just trying not to freak out or freeze or something.. he's at Lesserafim's dorm, for the first time and he will be seeing them soon. He's their new bodyguard and he has a very tough time getting it through his head. Regardless his feet let him move forward and he follows Mrs.Lim as she Ricky's the door bell to start the camera so Lesserafim can see who's coming

"Well Y/N you'll have to be visible too, I'll introduce you for now don't worry. Just say hi or something perhaps"

They hear a beep and a voice answers " yes hello, mager unnie ?"

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