A DANCE encounter (part 3 )

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Hello.. we are back. Today I'll focus a bit more on their actual dancing before we go to the place people voted for 👀👀 thanks for the 30+ reads by the way !

// Author-nim Felix

Y/n is faced with a tough choice " all three of those sound fun, why don't we start with ... hmm Han river? I haven't really been there to just be there before you know ??" Y/n chooses an answer.. possibly thinking about this sounding a lot like a date trying to hold back the wave of excitement from within..

Yena smiles and nods " ohh ~ that sounds fun.. and start with.. that implies you wanna do the other ones too..? Right??" Yena now finds that confidence to tease y/n a little.. "so you mean you wanna spend more time with me huh" she smirks

Y/n gets flustered " w- well I-"

Yena continues speaking before any sort of sentence is formed "ahh just kidding I would have asked you to do the other things later anyways " she giggles "how about we practice some more so we can get going ?" She stands up and finishes stretching "ahhh we should totally have a picnic while we are there ~ "

Y/n nods in agreement and stands up as well now fidgeting with the music. After a minute of fidgeting the music starts to play

"Hurry up. You have 4 counts til we start you know" Yena exclaims standing in her starting pose

Y/n hurries and gets into position behind her just before the actual choreo starts

"Let's go through it once as it is now and see where we wanna do some changes alright?" She says as they start to move in sync to the music

Y/n nods " right , sounds like a plan " they smile and the hip-hop beat keeps playing as they pull of many charismatic moves and keep exchanging eye contact from under their hats

"WAhhh - okey I have only one thing I think we should change" y/n looks up at her " we need one more part that's a little extra interactive I believe. We have powerful parts and good point choreography but the chemistry needs to be perfect too.. so how about this"

Yena gets up and explains at what part she wants to change the choreography. And that particular part is really not much to speak of right now even tho the music allows them to be very creative. Which Yena points out. " so instead of the really small basic moves here we should do one of these.. stand behind me" y/n stands behind Yena and listens attentively "right so you wave to the right. I wave to the left. And remember to meet my eyes. Then the same to the other side okey?"

Y/n nods and follows her perfectly. But y/n's mind is busy thinking about how attractive she is when she teaches with passion... something about it really makes y/n fall even harder for this girl.. whom hasn't been in y/n'a life for very long but it's not even a question anymore. Y/n admires Yena and likes her more then a friend would..

Yena smiles as they perform the new move " Yeahh ~ see you're such a fast learner. This will be perfect ~ let's try the whole choreo with this move " she runs to reset the song from the start

Y/n nods " right ~ this is a great idea so I bet it will look great as a whole. Let's try it and see..." the music starts and Yena smiles " hey you've got 4 beats " y/n smirks when using the same line back and yena giggles

They get into position and perform the song again. And this time they're both very satisfied

They do a high-five using both hands above (yenas) their heads " woooh that was perfect! " Yena exclaims and y/n agrees " yeahhh it really was, let's try it a few more times so we get used to it.. and then head of to get some stuff for our picnic " y/n smiles and yena can't help but get slightly flustered, nonetheless she agrees enthusiastically. So they continue to practice for another 40 minutes. Then they decide to call it a day

" Ookey ~ I'll go get changed ~ let's meet outside the building in like 20 minutes ?" She looks at y/n still smiling in satisfaction

"Sounds like a plan ~ cya soon ducky ~"

" huh- DUCKY!?" Yena exclaims in surprise and y/n gets a little flustered

"W - well yeah you look like a duck like.. whenever you explain something.. or pout " y/n giggles thinking about it and yena now gets flustered as well "ahhh.. I have a habit of pouting huh hehe.. ducky.. sure that will be your nickname for me. Only you get to use it " she giggles and then she skips out of the room "see ya later ~ I'll figure out a nickname for you too soon"

Y/n nods and smiles. Now feeling extremely happy cuz of how Yena reacted to the sudden nickname

They both get ready, then they meet outside the building. Y/n waiting for Yena for about 4 minutes

"Hey hey ~ I'm ready to go ~ let's head off to the supermarket! ~ " Yena excitedly leads the way and
y/n follows happily

They talk about how well the dance is coming along and how they'll practice more next week. Then they figure out what to bring for the picnic. They decide on some strawberries and they decide they should get some ice cream along with it. So they end up getting two flavors. Mintchoco as well as vanilla flavor to pair with the strawberries. They also get a kit of hard plastic spoons and bowls so they can eat it later

"Why don't we get a blanket while we are at it?" Y/n asks Yena and she agrees so they end up getting a picnic blanket as well. Then they head of toward Han River

WHELP a that was longer then expected - guess we will have a part 4 😭

Don't wanna cut stuff short so I'll just make a longer one I suppose ~ might post another short one before the next chapter

// Author - Nim Felix 🐥 ( yes a duck I'm honor of the nickname and person in question )

Don't forget to comment what you think and well. Idk vote on this chapter if you liked it :)

I feel like a YouTuber now help -

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