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The silent rooms fills with the sound of phone vibrating on the bedside table. Begrudgingly, Ruhi pulls out one hand out of the blanket cocoon around her and grabs the phone. The notification shows two new messages, making her wonder if either her mother or god mother are trying to remind her to take her meds.

When she clicks on it, the chat window opens to that of an unknown number.


You alright, now?

Ruhi squints at the screen before dropping it on the bed and trying to go back to sleep. A minute later, the phone vibrates again.

It's Gracyn Shaurya, btw.

Ruhi reads the text over again and again, her brain trying to make a connection of something with something. She wonders if she ever gave Gracyn her number, or maybe if this is some prank Riva is pulling on. In any case, she types out a reply and checks it for five times for any typos before hitting send.

helloo still feeling terrible

It's been one whole day and a night since she caught fever and her parent and substitute parent left for some business in another damn city, and her fever seems to only get worse.

Have you gone for a
medical check up?

You should, if have not.

i don't think i need it


mom and mama jay aren't home and
idk how hospitals around here work

When no reply comes through, Ruhi tosses the phone back with a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. Even though Gracyn Shaurya is somewhat of an A-grade asshole sometimes, she knows business. It was probably courtesy, Ruhi decides.

But then her phone vibrates yet again, and this time Ruhi takes a good minute to process the text.

I can come over.

Ruhi sighs, the gesture relaxing her whole body except the rapid beating of her heart.

yes please

but only if you want to

Wouldn't have asked if
I didn't want to.

Be there in 15.


"You can use the kitchen if you want," Ruhi informs as she leads Gracyn inside the house. The Shaurya nods even though Ruhi can't see her and places the things she has brought on the kitchen island. "I've already told mama Jay that you were coming over, and she said to make yourself at home."

"I'll reheat the soup, then. And you can go have a shower."

"But I've showered this morning," Ruhi protests, pulling on the blanket her tighter.

With a sigh and soft shaking of her head, Gracyn puts the back of her lalm on Ruhi's forehead. "But you're burning up, and a cold shower will help. It'll also stop you from whining about how overheated your body feels."

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