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Rou's laptop sits on her lap as she looks out of the jet's window.

From where she's sitting, Rou can hear her mother frantically talking to someone and clicking hard on her own laptop keyboard.

"I want that done. In twenty-four hours," Rosalié Sagaz orders someone, her Brazilian accent becoming thicker and thicker because someone is getting on her nerve.

Rou brings her attention back to her laptop screen, taps a random key and then presses backspace.

"No one's gives a hen's ass about your problems, Richard. Especially not the one we're trying to get a deal with."

Sighing, Rou closes the laptop and places it beside her. Rosalié finally ends the call and shakes her head disappointedly. "When all dumb people died, this man forgot," she comments.

"Chill out, mama."

Rosalié scoffs. "Yeah, sure. And then lose a deal that we can't afford to lose."

Says the ninth richest person on earth, Rou wants to comment but doesn't. She has spent all her life with her mom, and it takes exactly that amount of time to know that Rosalié Sagaz won't hesitate to throw you off her private jet, even if you're her lone child.

"Who's that, again?"


"Mama J knows about them?"

"She does," Rosalié nods. "She was the one who told I should send a proposal."

"And why is this Shaurya so important?"

"That family owns Delara."

Rou opens her mouth, tries to say something but closes it when no words come out. She thinks about last night, the way that stranger looked, how her lips felt againt the other and how the stranger brutally rejected her.

Rou thinks it's probably better not to think about it. At all.

"I'm tired," she gets up and nods towards a room. "I'm gonna take a nap."

"Did you start your assignment?"

No but I will would be the correct answer but Rosalié probably won't like it, so Rou lies instead. "Uh, yeah."

"Good," Rosalié takes back her attention to the laptop.

● ● ●

"What do you mean now?"

Rou faces her mother with a frown. It's 9 in the morning, she's jet lagged and sleep deprived and still thinking of that damn stranger when Rosalié asks her to accompany her to a meeting. With the Shauyas.

"I look like a zombie, mama. It really won't be a good impression if I fall face first on the meeting table."

Rosalié keeps looking at her daughter, giving a look that says honey, seriously, no fucks given.

When the look persists and Rosalié stays silent, Rou sighs. Apart from their tradition to spend a part of her holidays with Jaya Yusuf, Ruhi Salerno is also here to act as a medium. She doesn't know how young the Shaurya is, but she knows that they're young enough.

Rosalié Sagaz targets young people with young people.

"Fine," Rou mumbles at last.

● ● ●

Delara Resorts
Goa, India

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