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"What the fuck, Gray?"

Hearing the nickname, both relief and dread washes over Ruhi. Relief because this stranger probably knows Gracyn, and dread because this stranger probably knows Gracyn.

"Your professionalism lasted for ten seconds."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Miss Rowther asks, unamused. The frown is still there, the glare is still there and her will to not acknowledge Ruhi yet is also there.

"Showing our guest around, of course," Gracyn replies smoothly, hands tucked inside her trouser pockets. Subconsciously, Ruhi puts a little more distance between their bodies.

"Gray." The Rowther warns.

"Ash." The Shaurya challenges.

Ruhi watches as the Ash's frown deepens just for a millisecond before it melts away all together. Her eyes leave Gracyn as they slide over to Ruhi.

"Yashika Rowther," the Ash introduces herself, extending her hand forward. Ruhi clasps it and shakes, "Ruhi Salerno."

"Ah, the Sagaz Space? Rosalié Sagaz and I were just talking about you this morning," Yashika smiles, her perfect white teeth sparkling in the soft light. "I apologize for having met you under this circumstances."

Heat makes its way to Ruhi's ears as she let's out a nervous laugh. "I'm hoping I didn't give any wrong impressions?"

"Of course, not. Planning to attend the auction?"

"Not really, I didn't know about it till now. But I'd be glad to, though."

"Why don't you look around? I'm sure things will catch your eyes," Yashika looks at Gracyn and then at Ruhi again in the blink of an eye. "I've to borrow Gracyn, though. Would that be okay?"

"Of course," the words come out before Ruhi has the time to think it through. "If it's okay with you that I stay here." She looks Gracyn, who's now busy with her phone.

After assuring her that it's fine, Yashika and Gracyn leave the hall. Ruhi sighs, stands at the same spot for two minutes before she starts walking around the room.

Rou walks past grand vases and pots, regal decor, paintings from different asian eras and lots of ancient minted coins. When she reaches the part of the room which seemingly contains only outfits and jewelries, she stops and looks around with a hunger in her eyes.

But out of bundles and bundles of precious jewelry, what catches her sight is a necklace. It gleams in the soft light, coloured in hues a silver and bronze. She touches the case it is in, keeps her hands there as she takes it all in and then steps back.

It won't hurt to never have it if it's already way too out of reach, she thinks, or at least it won't hurt a lot.

Ruhi pulls out her phone but then stops from taking a picture. A text from Riva lights up her phone.

Complete the dare

• • •

As soon as Gracyn takes her sit behind the mahogany table, Yashika pins her with a new glare.


"Why what?" Gracyn feigns innocence as she caresses a paper weight, looking at Yashika. They both stare and stare and -

"You kissed her."

"I did."

"Even though you know she's just a -"

"Come to the point."

"Are you out of your fucking mind?"

Pushing herself back into the chair, Gracyn pulls out the gun that was kept right under the surface of the table. With practices elegance, she points it at Yashika, her index finger poised on the trigger.

"Am I?"

"You are."

Gracyn places the gun on the table and slides it towards Yashika, the latter putting a hand on it as she takes a seat. The Shaurya's eyes stay on the computer screen in front of her as her best friend checks the gun for bullets.

"You weren't losing your shit when I kissed her that night."

"I was thinking she might not be the one we were looking for," Yashika says as she loads a round of bullets into the pistol. "You could have had a fuck after I verified her."

Gracyn scoffs. "What made you think she's my type?"

"Gray, please, you fucking kissed her."

"And? I had to get her to my room."

"Yes, and she was already in your room. That kiss was unnecessary," Yashika points out, "as was today's." When she's satisfied with the pistol, she stands and tucks it in her waist band. When she unlocks the door, Gracyn calls her.

"Bring him alive."

Yashika nods, knowing not to question. A part of her hopes that the guy they are going to search for somehow dies in her hands, but a part of her wants to hand him over to Gracyn like some gift waiting to be gotten rid of.

Exploit and exterminate - that's what Yashika Rowther believes in, thats what she does. But Gracyn loves to make this two step process as cruel as it gets.

For a small moment, Yashika let's herself pity Ruhi Salerno. But you walked straight into this trap, she thinks.

Whatever. She has a bastard to hunt.

● ● ● ● ● ●


So, like *clears throat* uh

Are you people okay with torture scenes?

It won't be too gore-y, but things will get messy

Also, how about I release a snippet from the Delian book in this one and you all can tell me if I should go ahead with it?

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