Although I am feeling dizzy, I still walk. Following the same path I followed yesterday, I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Again, the front door is in front of me. Maybe I should just leave but to whom I am kidding. There must be security outside to protect him and, in this condition, I will not be able to run.

'Will they let me leave? Of course not. '

I move towards the dining room.

"Sì! Sono a Bologna adesso. Ana è con me". Luciano's voice reaches my ears. He is talking to someone on his phone. (Yes! I am in Bologna right now. Ana is with me.)

But I can't understand it because he is speaking in Italian with a thick accent. Nonetheless, I decided to enter the room.

Again, he is sitting in the head seat. "Ana! Come, have a seat. You look beautiful today". He said in a saccharine voice.

I don't acknowledge his compliment and sit on his right. Before I can talk to him, maids appear carrying our breakfast. Chiara is telling them what to do.

Luciano looks at them and says, "Ana, meet Chiara. She is the head maid and Chiara! She is Ana, il Mio Amore". (My love)

"My name is Analise, not Ana. So, stop with this bullshit". I say loudly and sternly. Maids look at me with a horrified expression. What is with him calling me Ana? As if we have known each other for years.

"Partire". He orders and everyone scurries out of the room. (Leave)

He grabs my hand from under the table and squeezes it badly till I cry out. Then he looks at me and speaks in a calm yet dominating voice.

"Ana! You are my love as well as my wife. I fell in love with you when I saw you in my bar one year ago. I have waited for us to be together for a long time but I will not anymore. Our wedding is next week.

If you stop disrespecting me then we will be good or else we will have a problem that will not prove good for you. So, for your sake accept it as soon as you can".

After saying this he left my hand. I look at my now red hand and rub it to soothe some pain. By last night's events, I am already scared of him and now he is threatening.

"I don't want to marry you. I didn't even want to sign the papers. I don't want to live with you and don't want any of this. I don't care if you love me or not. It is just infatuation so please stop this". I try to make him understand.

"Does it matter if you want it or not?" He says with a smirk. I look at him with hatred.

"Don't ever say that what I feel for you is infatuation because it is not. I am fine with you not loving me back. I am the mafia king and you can never escape from my country". He says with surety.

I am on the verge of crying. He is looking at me daring me to say anything more.

"Come on, eat now. After this, we have to go dress shopping, and we also have to buy our rings". He says leaving the topic. His mood changes so fast.

Ignoring him I start eating as I am starving. I tasted it this time and wow! It is so tasty. I moan after taking my first bite.

I look towards him to see his lust-filled eyes.

"You don't know how much I want to ravish you right now". His words were terrifying because I don't want him to get near me. I lower down my gaze and start eating again but without making any noise this time.

After we are done with breakfast, he grabs a hold of my hand and starts dragging me with him. Even though I don't want to go , what can I do?

Either I can go willingly or with bruises. He will be taking me no matter what so it is better if I comply.

It is my first time out of this mansion. I see lots of trees in front. Sunlight kissing my body is the best feeling. The cool breeze is flowing. It is not too cold though.

Then we move towards a car which is already waiting for us. I think it is an SUV because I don't have much knowledge about cars. A man comes dressed in black and bows.

When Luciano nods at him he opens the door for us. I think he is a chauffeur here.

Luciano tells me to sit inside the car and like an obedient girl, I sit inside it. Wow! *sarcastic*

When trees pass, I look outside the window, and I am surprised to see the beauty of this city. The streets are not too busy like they are in New York.

"You like the city?" Luciano asks. I don't answer him and continue to look outside.

People are talking to each other. Children are playing. Customers are entering and getting out of different shops. Some are busy with their work. I wonder how many of them are not happy like me. How many of them are here against their will?

I look at everything with curiosity-filled eyes.

"Bologna is a quiet and peaceful city. It is famous for its beauty. Many tourists come here. One day when I will trust like no end, I will allow you to venture it. Till then, you will have to see its beauty through windows". He explains making me roll my eyes.

I tried to ignore him but his words made me angry. I try to suppress my anger and instead focus on this beautiful city.

"Ragazza testarda". He said to himself and chuckled. (Stubborn girl)


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