I Like You, Y/N. (Leslie Shay)

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tw: wlw relationship (drama ?), wlw mild smut and angst [ makeout sesh ]

pairings: gabriela dawson x fem!reader (friends), leslie shay x fem!reader (best friends), gabriela dawson x leslie shay (friends)

You, Dawson, and Shay are in Ambo 61, following the fire trucks to a scene.  Dawson's driving, you're in the passenger seat, and Shay is sitting behind you guys, putting some last-minute stuff away that had been taken out during an inventory check before leaving the station.

"Look at you, driving like a pro," you nudge Gabby with your elbow, teasing her.
"Hey!  I won't be driving like a pro anymore if you keep knocking into me while I'm on the road," she glances over at you, chuckling.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  I guess the pro can't handle everything thrown her way then, can she?"
"Hmmm, I think this pro does a pretty damn good job at not getting us into an accident every day if she does say so herself," she smirks, shaking her head.
You lick your lips and smirk back, fidgeting with your bracelets.

After you guys leave, once you're back at the firehouse, Shay comes over to you in the ambulance while you continue the inventory check yourself.  

"Oh, hey, Les.  What's up?" you ask, only glancing up at her for a second before returning your eyes to the clipboard in your hand.
"Hey!  Uh... can I talk to you about something?" she looks at the ground, wringing her hands.
"Yeah, is everything okay?" you ask her, placing the clipboard down on the counter.
"Um, yes, I- I just was wondering, what's up with you and Dawson?"
"Wha-What are you talking about?" you chuckle nervously, leaning back on the wall.
"I, uh... I didn't know you were into girls, that's all," she shrugs, scratching her neck.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, don't be silly, Y/N.  I noticed you flirting with her," she teases you, biting her lip.
"You mean earlier today, on our way to the scene?  That was nothing.  I was busting her balls, like I always do," you laugh, blowing it off.
"No, no, not just today.  I've been noticing it a lot lately.  Don't try to deny it.  I know you," she says, getting serious again.
"Shay, it's nothing.  Just... forget about it."
"No, Y/N, it's not nothing.  I... just... I didn't know you were into girls, that's all," she shrugs her shoulders, crossing her arms.
"Okay, okay, fine.  Maybe... maybe I am, just a little bit, but... I haven't told anyone yet, so, please keep this between us, alright?" you shake your head, rubbing your forehead with your hand anxiously.
"Hey, hey.  Don't worry.  You know I wouldn't do that to you," she says softly, approaching you and placing a hand on your arm.
"Thanks," you smile.

"It's just... why Dawson?  And why now?  What happened to Jared, or Marco, or Ray?" she questions, listing off all the guys you've been into the past few months.
"I don't know.  I guess I forgot about them," you shrug, squinting up at her a bit under the bright lighting of the ambulance.
"I just don't get it.  What's so special about Dawson?" she asks you again, raising her voice a bit.
"Why are you so concerned about who I have feelings for?  She's not even gay, anyways, so it doesn't even matter.  Relax, Shay, will you?"
"Just tell me what you find so attractive about her!" she yells, throwing her arms out.  "Is it her hair?  Her eyes?  Her laugh?  I don't see you-"
"Hey!  I said, why are you so concerned about why I like Gabby?" you interrupt her, causing her to back down a bit.

"Because maybe I like you, Y/N!  Did you ever consider that?  Huh?  Did you ever think that maybe I might have feelings for you?" she shouts, dropping her arms once she's done speaking.

"What?" you quietly ask after a few seconds, shocked.

"You know what, I'm sorry, Y/N, for-forget I ever said anything," she shakes her head, pushing her hair up out of her face, heading towards the exit of the ambo.
"Shay, wait," you grab her sleeve, and she stops, turning back to face you.

You both stand there for what feels like forever, looking into each other's eyes, and you're still holding onto her.

Without even thinking, you pull her towards you, causing her to grunt as you crash your lips into hers, spinning her around as you pin her up against the back wall.  You place your hand on the wall behind her, holding yourself up, and your other hand slips around her back as you gently release your lips from hers.

"I've had feelings for you, baby, since the moment I first laid my eyes on you," you say to her, and she smirks, pushing herself back into you for another kiss.  She inhales sharply, carefully slipping her tongue into your mouth, and you bite on her lip gently, causing a moan to escape from her lips.
"Shh, someone might hear us," you chuckle as you grab both sides of her face, pushing your body as closely into hers as you can.  She giggles, spinning you around, so now you're the one pinned up against the wall.

"You know, you're a better kisser than I imagined you would be, Y/L/N," she smirks, shaking her head, your faces millimeters away from each other.
"You... imagined me kissing you?" you tease her, and she punches your arm.
"Ow!" you rub where she punched you.  "What was that for?" you shake your head, pursing your lips together as you smirk back.
"That was for flirting with Dawson," she pushes her lips into yours again, this time harder than before.
"I just wanted to see how you would react," you mumble into her mouth, causing her to moan again.
"Oh, really, pretty girl," she shakes her head into your lips, licking them seductively.
"Really," you shoot your eyebrows up as the alarm goes off, calling your ambo and the rest of the squad to a house fire.
You both groan, not wanting to separate.
"How about we continue this tonight?" she smirks, slipping her hands down the sides of your torso.  "You don't have any plans, do you?"
"Now I do," you chuckle, sliding into the passenger seat.
"My place, right after work."
"It's a date," you lick your lips, just before Dawson gets into the ambo to drive you guys to the fire.

word count: 1108
i'm biting my lips proofreading this oh my god
don't forget, i take requests for all my books !!
also, you can buy me a coffee if you want to support me !  i'd really appreciate it <333
<3 thank you so much for over 30k reads, i never thought i would make it this far.  i am so so so very thankful for each and every one of you xoxoxo
who wants a part two to thisss
- mar <3

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