Y/N Is in the ED ~ 4 -- Y/N Is in the Precinct ~ 1 (Med/PD) - Part 1a

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tw: guns, gun violence, cursing, injury, pain, mention of crimes, mild mention of child abuse, mild mention of a suicide threat, verbal abuse, death threat

pairings: hailey upton x fem!reader friend, jay halstead x fem!reader friend, adam ruzek x fem!reader friend, kim burgess x fem!reader friend, hank voight x fem!reader acquaintance, natalie manning x fem!reader friend, maggie lockwood x fem!reader friend, will halstead x fem!reader friend, april sexton x fem!reader friend

even though this is a crossover i haven't done any pd imagines at all yet lol so here we gooo

also, i haven't seen pd besides whenever reruns are on tv or there's a one chicago crossover, so my pd imagines (FOR NOW) will just be with the few characters who i know (sry)

(10 august 2022 - update now i watch pd and IT'S BETTER THAN MED i'm currently on season four)

warning this is kind of complex and is probably going to be slightly long bc it's intro -> precinct -> med + actual thorough storyline lol

Your father has been convicted of multiple crimes, including assault, murder, theft, sexual assault, robbery, kidnapping, and more.  He's stolen money, items, and cars.  He's hurt multiple people, sexually harassing some and/or murdering them.  The problem is -- no one can seem to find him.

You're sitting in the interrogation room of the Chicago Police Department for questioning of your father -- you know, since you're his daughter, the feds want to know what you're up to.  You're nervous before anyone even asks you anything.

Jay and Voight are standing in front of you at the table.  Voight has his hands on his hips and Jay is flipping through a file with his eyes narrowed.  Your hands are clasped together with your arms resting on the table, and you're bouncing your leg up and down and fidgeting your thumbs.  Hailey and Kim are looking in on the interrogation room through the one-way window.

"Alright, so your father's a criminal, ey?" Voight says, making you cringe at the start.
"Um, yes," you say, clearing your throat.  Jay looks up at Voight.
"Your father is Y/F/N Y/F/L/N, Y/F/A-year-old male, correct?  And he's a murderer, a thief, a kidnapper, and an assaulter," Voight continues.  You slowly nod. 

Keep in mind, you're only eighteen.

"Are you aware that your father stole a bike from a ten-year-old female in Cincinnati?" Jay asks.  It feels like he's stabbing you.
"Um, no."
"No, you weren't aware?"
"No, I was not."
"Alright.  That was three months ago.  Are you aware that your father took five million dollars from a bank in San Francisco last Monday?"
You nearly choke.
"No, I was not aware."
"Are you aware that he stole five cars in Utah last month, and has reportedly groped over two dozen women in the past two years?"
You begin to tear up, but blink back your tears.
"No," you croak, starting to bounce your leg even faster.
"Are you aware that your father kidnapped the same ten-year-old female and held her hostage in Denver for three weeks, proceeding to starve and sexually abuse her before drowning her?"
You put your hand to your mouth and a tear rolls down your face.
"Oh, my God.  He did that?!"
"Are you aware that he has slaughtered ten people in the past six months in various locations across the country?"
"NO-O-O!" you start sobbing, covering your eyes with your hands.  You can't believe your father was that much of a monster.  You always knew he was at least somewhat heartless, but you didn't think this much.

"That's it," Hailey says to Kim behind the glass, storming into the interrogation room with Kim behind her.
She walks up to the table and practically yells at the guys, "We're taking over from here."
"Miss Upton, we are more than capable-" Voight begins, but Hailey cuts him off.
"Eh, eh, eh.  No.  Out."
"Fine," Jay mumbles, walking away.
"The two of us will have a fine talk later," Voight glares at her, walking out of the room as Hailey rolls her eyes at him behind his back.

She crouches down next to you, and Kim puts her hand on the table to lean on it.
"Heyy, hey, heyyy.  Y/N..." she softly says, stroking your arm and hair with each hand.
"I can't believe he did all those things.  I can't believe it."
"It's okay, it's okay.  It's not your fault."
"You believe me?"
"Of course, I believe you, Y/N.  None of this happened because of you."
"Well, then why am I here?"
Hailey shakes her head.
"Routine check-ups, you know?"
"Of course," you roll your eyes, "I'm always the flagged file."
"No, no."
"I'm sick of it, Detective.  I can't take it anymore."
"Please, Y/N/N.  You've known me for three years now.  Call me Hailey."
"And call me Kim," Kim chimes in.
"Thanks," you smile, wiping your tears.

"Y/N, I promise you nothing your father did ever was or ever will be your fault.  I promise you that," Hailey says, her face only inches away from yours.
"Promise?" you whisper, your eyes filled with tears once again.
"I promise."
"Come here," she says, pulling you in for a hug, "It's gonna be okay, alright Y/N?"
You nod and wipe your tears once again, sniffling.

"Why don't we go take a break," Kim says, motioning towards the door.
"That's a great idea," Hailey replies, walking away from the table.
You nod and she takes your hand as you get up.

word count: 884
jsygk, i wrote all of part one and it was 3000+ words so i made it into 1a, 1b, & 1c lolll

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