"Hey, What's Wrong?"

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warnings: platonic fluff

pairings: natalie manning x fem!reader friend, ava bekker x fem!reader friend, sarah reese x fem!reader friend

other characters mentioned: maggie lockwood

You're walking through the ED from one trauma room to another checking on patients. It's the middle of the afternoon and you haven't gotten a chance to eat or drink anything yet. You find yourself stumbling around, bumping into things, feeling like you're about to pass out. Thankfully, Natalie and Ava come to your rescue.

"Y/N, Y/N, are you okay?" Natalie asks you, grabbing your shoulders after you practically fall right into her.
"Oh, oh, yeah," you say, not realizing where you're going anymore at all. "Sorry, Nat."
"Y/N, why don't you go sit down."
"No, no, really, I'm fine. I just need to get something to eat and drink."

Ava heard what you said. She takes your arm, and Natalie grabs your other arm. They try to walk you over to the doctor's lounge, but you resist.

"Y/N, you're going to pass out if you don't get some food and water in you right now," Ava says, looking you in the eyes.
"Please, can I go to the cafeteria? I'm fine. I'd really just rather go to the cafeteria."

"You can barely keep your eyes open! Did you sleep last night?" Nat asks, really concerned.
"Yes, yes. I did. I just haven't had a break. Don't worry."

They understand at this point that you're not going to let them take you to the doctor's lounge, so they reluctantly agree to walk you up to the cafeteria where you can enjoy some water, coffee, and a nice, garden chicken salad.

On the way to the elevator, the three of you run into Sarah.

"Hey, what's wrong? Y/N/N?" she asks, putting a hand around your waist.

"She isn't feeling well. Needs some food and water," Ava says, stepping into the elevator with you and Nat. Sarah obviously follows.

"When was the last time you had anything to drink?" she asks you, really worried.
"Uh, yesterday."
"When was the last time you ate anything?"
"Yesterday, too, maybe 4 pm?"
"Come on, let's go," she nods in the direction of some food, still following as you all walk out of the elevator and towards the cafeteria.

"You go sit. I'll get you some water. Ava, get her some coffee, and, Reese, please go get her a garden chicken salad. If you guys don't mind, of course," Nat says, helping you sit down at a table.
"I know you take your coffee practically any way, but what is it today?" Ava asks you, smiling.
"Uh, I'll have an iced black coffee. Extra ice, please. Thank you so much."
"Of course."

Nat comes back with the water within seconds. She sits in front of you and makes sure you drink it all. Ava comes over with your coffee, which you happily chug once your water is finished. You drink both beverages so fast that they're done by the time Reese gets back with your salad. She laughs at that, which makes you smile.

"Uck, Maggie's paging me. I gotta go, I'm sorry, Y/N. Please, take care, alright? I'll check on you when I can," Nat says, pushing in her chair to head out.
"Thank you so much for caring about me. I really appreciate it. All of you," you smile, squeezing Ava and Sarah's hands. All three of your friends nod back.

"Noo, I just got paged, too. Ugh. I wish I could stay. I'll see you later, Y/N/N," Ava says, jogging to catch up with Nat so the two of them can at least walk out together.
"Bye!" you say, and look over at Sarah.

"I didn't get paged!"
"No, you didn't," you laugh, admiring how cute she is.

"I'm worried about you."
"Softie," you tease her, punching her arm across the table. "I'm alright. Thank you, though. Really. It means a lot."
"'Course. I gotchu, girlie," she giggles, and you laugh with her.

word count: 639
short, cute, simple, lol!
ly! hope u enjoyed baes <3

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