The alcohol is helping a little bit. I think Carolynn may have had a little, too.

"Yeah, this is crazy, right?" I say.

"Yeah, totally," she replies, "when Kenny told me about your background I knew it sounded familiar, and, in fact Chad and Janine would use what happened to you as a cuationary tale, how one moment can change the course of our lives. What's funny is that troughout of all those years of us having Chad and Janine as mutual friends we never saw any picture or video of eachother." she shrugs and takes her martini from the bar tender.

"I'll be honest," I say, "I can't really say one way or another because my memories from before my mom's accident are pretty foggy but I remember bits and peices, especially when someone or something jog's my memory. So when Chad explained to me who you were just now, I remembered them talking about you all the time but because of my memory issues I can't really say whether or not I saw any photos of you. This is a bit of a strange conversation, isn't it?"

"How so?," she asked brightly, "You don't think it's some kind of sign that we just so happen to have our jobs so close together, the way we met, and then it turns out kind of knew each other? We don't have to act like we've only known each other for a week."

"If you say so," I say "I think it's just a coincidence. To me, we've known each other for, what, two 3? Don't get me wrong these two weeks have been great and I'm still debating if I want you to be my friend or not." THAT I say with a sarcastic grin to which she returns the smile and gives me a little nudge with her shoulder to mine.

I turn my head the other direction for a second I can't let her see my blushing cheeks, that I feel across my face with just that small amount of physical contact in spite of myself in spite of myself. If Kenny was here, he'd want to slap me for saying what I said. We continue with insane small talk.

Of course, I'm happy that we've had this connection through mutual friends. I remember Chad and Janine always talking about her and although I never met her or even ever seen a picture of her she sounded like someone I'd like to meet. Yes, that's something I vaguely remember from before the accident.

I have to be this standoffish with her because she's unattainable, she has Spencer who she clearly loves and even if she wasn't I don't think she would ever think of me that way.

I have to protect myself from my own stupid feelings and if I do it enough I can convince myself that what I say is true because I will state this here and now. Just one time to get it over with. Yes, I've become completely smitten by her and I really really hate myself for it.


"Alright, Donny Downer, enough of the small talk," I begin saying, "answer me, please, how could you think this isn't a sign?"

He gives an annoyed huff, "In case you haven't, you haven't noticed my life sucks and it's what I deserve. You waltzing into my life hasn't really changed that. So we kind of knew of each other before you hit me with your car (ugh, he's never going to let me forget that one will he?), so what? You say it's a sign? A sign for what?"

Ooh crud, that's a good question. Maybe it's the booze that made me say all that without thinking this through.  It sure isn't a sign that we're soulmates. Spencer already fills that role. Ever since Mom beat cancer, I've been a big believer in all that stuff; soulmates, true love, finding the 'The One', fate, destiny, kismet, karma, all the concepts I never liked nor understood before that, much like Donny. I think I've come up with an answer for him.

"It's a sign that we're supposed to be buds and you have to start being nice to me." I say cheekily, "I know you're capable of it," I continue, "besides saving my butt with Spencer's car, but you helped me move into my stuff into my apartment, plus I've been seeing you in action at your job. You're really good with kids, I've seen you console little kids or make them laugh when their parents are busy." I state. Then with a low cheeky little voice, "I think all the moms love you and you have that gaggle of young college age girls swooning over you."

He gives me a tired smile and shrugs  "It's easy for me to deal with kids," he says, "when you have a special needs broth- oh shit!," He abruptly interrupted himself, "I still need to visit Chester!" He begins to get up and then he looks at me, "I'm sorry I've gotta go to the hospital before it's too late." He begins, "sorry for bailing on this stimulating discussion," he says sarcastically, "I'll see you back in town."  He frantically gets up and grabs his guitar case to leave.

But what happens next totally catches me by surprise and I'm sure he's asking himself why he did this. I think it was the booze for him too; he kisses me on the cheek and then heads toward the door and I turn around to look after him, completely stunned.


Why the hell did I just do that!?.

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