Fast L.I.F.T. And Furious Robots

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"L.I.F.T should be just ahead!" Peppermint informed as the elevator came to a stop. "And we're one step closer to Korsica and Keylim!" Macaron said.

"And one step closer to finding Sweet." Chai said to himself. "You know, that went pretty well up there. You breaking me out... Working together..." he smiled as he ran through the hall.

"That's what we do, little guy. We're a team." Macaron said. "Yeah..." Chai mumbled as he began to think.

"Alright... somehow the defect, who we THOUGHT we secured, got away. What the hell? Not only that, he helped fix our security system! I... should be angry, but let's just say my feelings right now are... mixed. Yeah, mixed." Keylim spoke through the screens.

"A vague praise, I'll take it!" Chai shrugged. "In other words: APB on the kid. See him? Call it in. The other defect is still in custody, so no need to worry." Keylim finished.

"Okay... so they still have Sweet. Velvet, has Nine found anything?" Peppermint asked. "He's still searching, but nothing yet." Velvet informed.

Chai grumbled before running out into the next room, stopping himself before he could stub his foot into a cleaning bot again.

"Wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo... Whoa!" He looked up at the giant platform where a bunch of TEC-78's were examining the L.I.F.T.

"Watch out, Chai. They're ready to ambush you on the L.I.F.T." Peppermint told him. "Oh." Chai scoffed. "These guys are like the dude upstairs- they don't know me. See?"

Chai walked into the L.I.F.T. confidently. "Sup, fellow Vandelay employees? Catching the L.I.F.T.?" He smiled.

"Yup, Security Wing 2, just as alwa-" TEC-78 said before getting cut off as a giant ES-101 called out with a bunch of smaller bots surrounding him.

"There's the defect! Stop him!" It commanded. "Nah, this is the guy that fixed the security system, man." TEC-78 corrected while Chai cringed.

"Idiots! That's the defect!" ES-101 shouted. TEC-78's eyes widened as it looked back at Chai who just chuckled and made a heart with his hands.

ES-101 jumped at Chai who dodged. The robots revealed their weapons ready for attack. "Get him!" ES-101 commanded.

The robots began going at Chai who brought out his guitar and began fighting. He brought a robot into their air before hitting it down at ES-101 who jumped up, grabbed him by the face and swung him down into another robot.

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