Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


I practically dragged myself through the inferno of this lava wasteland. "Chai...! How the hell are you... not dying in here?!" I groaned.

"We can call you back if you need, Sweet." Velvet said sounding worried. "N-No... there's air conditioning in the labs and we're almost there... I'll be fine." I said picking myself up.

I sat out most fights, the straining heat was obviously taking a huge toll on me, and Chai held onto me when we had to grapple across the lava.

"Here we R... and D." Chao joked making me chuckle. We dropped down I immediately felt a wave of cool air, the platform here must be admitting cool air for the workers down here.

"Since you continue to avoid my emails, Zanzo, I'm making this PUBLIC: No more budget approvals until this defect fiasco is done with! FULL STOP!"

That's that Roquefort guy that I saw on that meeting back in Rekka's office. I guess he's the leader of finance.

"Bah! You dare interrupt my concentration process, Roquefort? The gears are turning in my mind with passion!"

"I don't care about passion. I care about PROFITS."

"Hah! Spoken like a true money man!"

"Enough! Just help security with their orders."

"Upper management doesn't seem to get along." Chai commented. "When do they ever? Let's just keep focused."

We walked up to the entrance where I took notice of a cardboard cutout of Zanzo. With a smirk I pushed it over the edge and watched it immediately roar up in flames as it hit the lava.

We both explored the side where I found another piece of graffiti and Chai found this... golden Kale head? Don't know what that's for.

We both entered the room going through a hallway when we heard Zanzo on the intercom. "Just get those security tests done, now!"

"Transferring magma power to lab 44. Access to AI Labs restricted until testing complete." The bot said at the small desk in front of us.

"Wait, we need to get to those AI Labs!" Chai exclaimed. "I JUST told you. No access until testing is done." She replied blankly.

"And when will testing be done?" I asked. "I don't know, do I look like I work here?" "Uhh." "Um... Yes, actually." Chai and I deadpanned.

She sighed. "Look, I don't run the tests. Run up to Lab 44 and complain to them." I ushered Chai away from them and we began walking up.

"Rude! She didn't even recognize us!" Chai complained. "Why are you upset? We are supposed to sneak in." Peppermint said.

"I just thought we were... you know... famous." Chai shrugged. "Chai, we're wanted, not famous." I said. "So humble! I'm sure your fans are all in Lab 44, so why not head there?" Velvet said sarcastically.

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