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I waited for my friend as he was hopefully getting his Project Armstrong pass. He wants to be a rockstar, but because of his disabled arm, he can't even learn guitar properly.

As for me, I want to help create new technology. But you can't really do that in a wheelchair... but thankfully with Vandelay's new Project Legwork, I can be able to walk or even run for once in my life.

I was dropped out of my thoughts when someone started moving my wheelchair. "Ack! Chai!" I scolded as he started running while pushing my wheelchair.

"Come on! Today's the day we both achieve our dreams!" He said, and even if I could look behind me, I could see the stars in his eyes.

"Just slow down maybe?" I asked. "Not a chance! Don't want to be late, right?" He said. "Fine, just be careful!"

"Careful is my middle name, Sweet." He said smugly. "No it isn't." I deadpanned. We continued down the road to the Projects Armstrong and Legwork orientation.

"Welcome applicants to Project Armstrong and Legwork: Technology perfectly fused with the human body. Together, we create better lives."

I managed to catch a glimpse of Mimosa on one of the screens and smile with a slight chuckle. Chai smiled before helping me up the ramp as we just made it in time.

"And now, the CEO of Vandelay Technologies... Kale Vandelay!" The announcer said. "What a historic day! You're the best of the best, and about to be even better, thanks to our robot enhancements!" Kale declared.

I practically jumped in my seat as Chai took out his earbuds. "Vandelay has always been about helping those in need. And you all in Projects Armstrong and Legwork are about to show the world just how special you can become."

Everyone cheered when Kale finished. "Now go! Get ready for a better life!" He announced and Chai started moving us forward.

We accidentally ran into a few people. "Oops, sorry, excuse us!" I apologized. Just as a guy was going to swipe at us the door immediately shut behind us.

"Oh!" I yelped as a robot moved me away from Chai and I turned back to give him a small wave. He slightly raised his hand for a wave when another robot tapped him on the shoulder.

I chuckled before the robot stopped me and pointed at my clothes and then a purple basket. After I successfully changed out of my clothes and into the hospital gown they had me wear, the robot began to walk away.

"Oh wait!" I called remembering I still had my music player on me. It turned around and I handed it to him to which he dropped it in the basket and began to walk away again.

"Thank you." I said and it stopped in its tracks for a moment before continuing. I rolled myself to the next area as the screen above me had scanned my body.

Legwork Affisture: LX-Ran56-High Jump
Candidate ideal for: Repair Person

*~[Above Surgery Center]~*

Kale walked along the walkways with his head of marketing and head of production, Mimosa and Rekka.

"You promised me the best of the best, Mimosa!" Kale complained. "Production asked for test subjects Kale. Marketing delivered." Mimosa replied.

"DON'T PIN IT ON REKKA! TELL THAT GRANDSTANDER ZANZO IN R&D TO-" Rekka began before Kale cut her off.

"We need people with Influence, and you're giving me..." he noticed the orange and purple baskets with Chai and Sweet's stuff and pulled out their music players.


"It'll work." Mimosa said. "It better! No slip-ups! And no defects!" Kale said pointing to them both and turning away.

He looked at the two music players. "What pieces of junk." He said and threw them off the side. One split off from the other and went down another way.

Chai's landed on a walkway, and slid through the cracks while Sweet's bounced off a small vacuum robot.

Sweet's bounced off a light and Chai's bounced off a ladder. And in a reverse sequence, Sweet's landed on Chai as his landed on her as they were prepared for surgery.


"Hey, wait hold on!"

No one answered as the machine slammed down on them.

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