Radical (Sean/White) - Doctor White

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Author's note: Part 43/?? 

The panicking voices shouted around White. He was conscious, but his eyes remained closed. Someone was moving him, and the sharp pain shot through his arm, making him moan. The radical movement made his eyes open. He spotted his brother leaning over him, caressing his hair with trembling palms. Black's eyes were red, tears streaming down his pale face. He mumbled something, but White couldn't understand him due to the pounding headache. 

"P'Black." White managed to stutter, trying to lift his hand to wipe his brother's tears, but the sharp pain shot through it. Black's face grimaced in fear when he hissed. He never saw his twin so scared before. 

"Where does it hurt?" Black asked. 

"Head, arm." White addressed the places that hurt him the most. 

"You have a nasty bump on your forehead." Sean's head peeked from behind his brother. 

"P'Sean?? White asked, focusing on the taller's worried face. 

"I am here," Sean assured him. White took a deep breath, attempting to calm down. He needed to focus on the situation and find out how hurt he was, not to mention others. 

"How's P'Yok, P'Dan and P'Gumpa?" He questioned. 

"Gumpa and Dan seem okay. They have some bruises and scratches. But I think Yok's injury opened again." Sean described the situation. He tried to sound calm, but the tone of his voice betrayed him. 

"Gram is with them," Black added.

"Help me sit up," White demanded. He could feel Black's hesitancy, but his brother's arms pulled him up gently a minute later. Dull pain shot through his body. He had probably bruised ribs, but it was nothing compared to the sharp pain in his shoulder. White tried to move it, but it didn't budge. With a deep breath, he placed his other hand on it, feeling it up. He shifted his focus on his head, feeling it up with his fingers. Nodding in relief when he only found a small scratch and bump. 

"My shoulder is dislocated." He announced to Sean and Black. 

"Fuck." Black swore.

"You need to get it back in place for me." White glanced at the two. Sean and Black exchanged glances. 

"No." They refused at the same time.

"Fine. One of you hold my arm, and I will do it myself." White decided. It would be better to go to the hospital, but the situation was desperate, and he assumed the hospital was out of the question anyway. 

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