Deal (Off/Gun)

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The flashing camera lights illuminated the studio, leading Gun to the area where his partner was currently working. His schedule ended earlier, and he wanted to surprise the taller male. And maybe drag him to the restaurant his colleague recommended. 

Gun greeted the staff and stopped far enough not to disturb the photo shoot but closer enough to see his man posing. Off was tall and handsome, and since he started to visit the gym, his muscles got more prominent. Not that Gun complained, but he loved his Papii muscles or not. He focused on the two models, more precisely on the girl clinging to Off's arm like a monkey. He couldn't stop a low growl from escaping his mouth. He knew the jealousy that always spiked when someone else clung to his boyfriend was nonsensical because Off loved him the same way, but he couldn't help it. 

Gun folded his arms over his chest, trying to calm down while plotting a thousand deaths for the annoying girl in his mind. A few more photos were taken when the end of the shoot was announced. Gun exhaled, relieved. Stepping out of his hiding spot, he marched towards his significant other. 

"Ter, what are you doing here?" Off spoke up, smiling when he spotted him. 

"Surprise." Gun grinned, wrapping his tiny hands around the older's neck, pulling him down, and giving him a noisy cheek kiss. Off's long arms curled around his thin waist, tugging him closer.

"What a beautiful surprise." He whispered in his ear. The shivers run down Gun's spine. After all the years, the older's voice still affected him so much. 

"Diner home or in the restaurant?" Gun asked, reluctantly pulling away from his boyfriend as he noticed the girl approaching them. The frown on his face didn't go unnoticed by Off.

"Calm down, baby. I will deal with her." Off kissed his temple before turning towards the model. His big hand slid from the waist to his hips, rubbing the comforting circles with his thumb. 

The shocked face that girl pulled, seeing them, was like a small victory. Gun smirked, snuggling to Off's chest and circling his arms around the taller's torso possessively.

It should teach the girl not to leech on his man.  

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now