Right (Maetee/T-Rex)

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T-Rex had just returned from the university, walking through the porch, when the loud arguing reached his ears. He recognized his brother's and his boyfriend's voices. These two always shout at each other for the same reason. Watee accused Maetee of being a scary cat and not good enough for him, and Maetee shot back with Watee being useless and not a good brother. Honestly, T-Rex was tired of this. Yes, Maetee's phobia did annoy him sometimes, yet the one look at the cute pouty face made his heart melt. And the cuddling after that was the best too. His brother didn't act all loving or brotherly towards him, but T-Rex didn't blame him. Though, he would appreciate Watee being more affectionate. 

T-Rex sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment before he walked inside the house, calming both persons precious to him and making things between them right again. 

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