Hide (Pick/Rome - Khai/Third)

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Author's note: Pick proposing to Rome?

Rome was beyond exhausted. He finished his thesis and submitted it after a lengthy consultation with the professor. His eyes were droopy, and he only wanted to go home, hide under the blanket, snuggle to Pick's chest and sleep. 

He dragged his tired body inside their house, tossing his bag on the couch and going directly to the bedroom. Stripping from the uniform, leaving only the underwear on, Rome crawled into the bed, snuggling under the warm duvet. The small nap will do him good before his boyfriend returns from work. 

"You, come back." Pick's voice echoed through the house. Rome stirred in his sleep. Whatever his man was doing downstairs could be a little bit quieter. He was about to cover his face with a blanket when something landed on his belly. His eyes shot open as he squeaked in surprise. Glancing down, his eyes met the big round chocolate eyes staring back at him. Rome froze, observing a tiny white fur pawning towards his stunned face. As the pink tongue licked his cheek Rome quickly took the animal in his hand to stop it. He was too shocked. 

He shuffled, leaning against the headboard with a cute dog in his palm. The puppy stared at him, wriggling its tail excitedly, and Rome was lost. 

"P'Pick!" He called his boyfriend, not knowing what to do with the little intruder. The dog barked, turning his head as the steps resounded through the hallway, revealing a thin paper hanging from the collar. 

Curiously, Rome touched the paper, reading the writing on it. His eyes watered. 

"Rome?" Pick's anxious voice drew his attention.

"Yes, P'Pick. Yes." Rome sobbed, pulling the puppy to his chest. 

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