Chapter 7 - a start for everything

Start from the beginning

[A/N: plz don't take offence to thisssss. Chia isn't being mean she's just being brutally honest as a child usually would, cause they aren't as mature yet]

"I can't," the boy tilts his head in confusion, "I can't play soccer," Chia continues.

"Then I'll teach you" he'll... teach Chia? That's a first, the boy doing something instead of sitting in the corner of the room, maybe because no one was passing to him while playing soccer? Whatever, it's better than sitting here.

Chia and the boy went to the side of the field, near a tree while everyone was having fun in the middle of the field. It started simple, the boy placed the ball down and kicked it to her, she kicked it back, he gives some advice and she adjust. It's a cycle repeating, the short-haired girl found this peaceful.

...Maybe she should apologise to Manny, maybe he wasn't fooling around with her but teaching the basics.

...This is also a very nice friend she made. This is the first friend who went out of their way to help her with soccer, all the other boys would tell her to learn it herself and she and the girls would throw plastic bottles at them.

Omg... is this the first ever crush she's having? She needs to tell Ma (mother) about this immediately.

Their relaxing game lasted for the whole day, surprisingly. There were many occasions when she thought that he'd leave and join the boys because she knew how good he was at soccer. And it was extra surprising when he lowered his level to match hers. Omg, how adorable.

The teachers called for the end of the day, everyone left and so did she... WAIT, WHAT WAS THE BOY'S NAME? She left her bag with Manny (who was also their babysitter) and ran back. Where is he? Where is that scary boy who was kind to her?

She missed her chance, he's already gone.


"Say that again?" Here they are, back in the backyard of the Romanio's house.

"No! I said it once! Let's go!" Chia crosses her chubby arms and gets in the car. Manny, clinging onto the car for dear life, was laughing his heart out at Chia's change.

Honestly, Manny expected 3 days at most for Chia to return to playing soccer with him, he didn't expect it in 6 hours after school.

He starts the car and drives the way home, Chia at the back with her looking out the window as usual.

"Are you sure you want to return?" Manny teased.

"YES! I wanna impress someone!" Chia kicked her legs happily.

"Someone?" Manny was surprised, "who's this special someone?"

"A boy!"

"A boy? Has little Chia got a crush now?"


"Ahahahhaa I see, what's his name?"

"..." Chia looked down, "I may or may not have gotten his name..."

"Chiiiaaaaaa," Manny laughed and was disappointed at the same time.


It had been 5 years since the start of her training, 3 weeks since she finished the training, and a week since she dyed her hair pink. Sure her parents are still grounding her for changing her hair to pink without their permission, but now people would look her way and notice her at first glance and not notice her only when she opens her mouth.

She thrived in attention, especially because dancing gave her confidence, but confidence needs reasons to back it up. So she trained as hard as she could. Chia would still eat her usual meals but would reduce the snacks and unnecessary sugary drinks she always intakes.

Chia looked at herself through her phone on her way to the first year of high school. Her baby fat (not baby, just a chubby child) had gone away and she was slowly losing weight. She's light enough to dance across the field but not too light to be concerned- just perfect.

Orientation was done, schooling was done and now, in the afternoon, is the club sign-up. She trained her whole life (5 years) for this and she better get in.

"Just sign right here," she heard the girl say to a boy in the distance, there in the distance was the soccer stall, Barcelona Orb.

Wait... Is that? Is that the boy Chia used to have a crush on when she was 7? The one who motivated her to start soccer?

She walked further and avoided the gathering crowd lining up for each stall. Just a little further, almost there.

"Thank you for signing up, Clario, I'll see you at opening trials!" Clario? Clario... Clario! That was the name of the boy she used to know.

Hurridly, Chia signed her name down and wrote down the typical "age, name, previous experience" and yadayadayada.

Her training paid off as she easily avoided crashing into any crowds on her way to the boy- Clario.

"Hello!" Clario stopped and looked behind. His usually scary demeanour showed through even after all these years.

"You joined the soccer club? As expected! You were always so good!" Chia strikes up a conversation, Clario looked back at her.

"Do I know you?"



Did dying her hair change her look too much? Did her losing fate made him forget her? It's fine Chia, let's start from scratch.

"Ah never mind! I mistook you for someone else," Chia turned around and left... She left... CHIA WHY DID YOU DO THAT? It's fine, she can start a new in this new school, this new club, this new 'her'.



Here's the lore of Chia starting soccer and how she got here.

Also why she was very attached to Clario, cause she could've befriended anyone in the team (she did) but she chose Clario (the best of friends.

In a future chap, I'll show ya'll how Chia managed to dye her hair and why.



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