Chapter 19

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Kim Mirae had never been to court in her life. This was probably her first time here and she was glad that she wasn't sitting next to the judge's table but at the end next to her mother. She wondered if she would understand everything better if she had studied law. For some reason, Mirae didn't feel sorry for any of the adults there. They were all there because of their sins and were getting punished for it. But she did feel sorry for all her friends who seemed devastated as their parents were sitting waiting for the decision to be made. Dr. Ha surprised her a lot as well as he stood up saying that everything in the video shown was true. She was quite impressed that he had told the truth rather than choosing to save himself and lie.

Mirae and her mother stayed at the back while the adults were being taken as well. Mirae looked at Jenny and Rona sadly feeling sorry for them, she just hoped the two knew that this was for the better for their mothers. After all once they paid the price for their sins they would be free from them for life and that was a better idea than spending their whole life with their past hanging above them like a naked sword, which could fall anytime.

"We're going to go talk to our father, you want to join?"

Seokyung asked Mirae after the trial ended.

"I think you should have this family reunion alone. But best of luck, I'll be at Hera Palace"

Mirae smiled at the twins who were about to go talk to their father about their parental rights.

"Eomma, do you think things will go back to normal now?"

Mirae asked her mother as the two sat down in the car ready to go home after the tiring day they spent at court.

"Let's hope for the best, Mirae"

Eun Sook replied smiling at her only daughter. Sometimes Eun Sook wondered how Mirae's life would be if she was involved with the other Hera Clubs members, she was glad she wasn't involved in that stuff. Mirae had no other family left other than her, the two were each other's everything.

"So you're asking us to help Bae Rona move in?"

Seokyung asked Mirae when she asked the two help Rona set up her room again.

"Why is it that hard?"

Mirae asked looking at her best friend innocently.

"I- you know I don't like her"

Seokyung mumbled.

"Seokhoon ah tell her to come with us"

Mirae said turning to Seokhoon who looked quite amused.

"Now you're making oppa force me to come? Kim Mirae are you my best friend or enemy?"

Seokyung said making Mirae smile.

"Your best friend. Come on if you come with us it would be a good way of apologizing to Rona"

"I did nothing wrong why should I apologize?"

"You called her mother a murderer, you tried to sabotage her before the festival, you-"

"Okay okay fine I'll come"

Seokyung said giving in. Mirae smiled at the two before all of them started walking towards Rona's apartment.

"Eomma now owns the penthouse as well, I feel like life will be better now"

Seokyung said to Mirae in the elevator.

"I hope so. But let's see"

Mirae said more to herself then the twins. Once the three reached Rona's apartment, Mirae knocked on the door. In less than a minute the door flew open and Rona stood there greeting them with a small smile. Mirae could see that Rona was still upset, which was completely normal and expected, maybe that's why she wanted all three of them to come. Usually more people together caused a happy environment. But what Mirae forgot was that forcing Seokyung to doing something was the opposite of a happy environment.

"You all didn't have to come"

Rona said as Mirae helped her set her books on the shelf.

"We all wanted to come, look even Seokyung wanted to come"

Mirae said to Rona smiling but her lie was easily caught when Rona noticed Seokyung looking at Mirae with complete disbelief.

"This book should go here, it'd look better with these"

Seokhoon said to Mirae, ignoring the current conversation and guiding Mirae's hand towards the place he thought the book would look better.

"Oh yeah you're right"

Mirae stuttered trying to ignore the giddy feeling she was getting when he held her hand.

"We don't agree with a lot of stuff but by the look on your face I think we both agree that they like each other and are constantly denying it"

Seokyung whispered to Rona surprising her a little.

"We do, I mean when will they start dating?"

Rona said back to the girl as the two looked at the duo not understanding whether they should say something or quietly watch them act all lovey dovey.

Before the four could continue, they heard loud thuds coming from outside. Sharing confused looks with each other, they went to check what was going on. Mirae was surprised to see Jenny and Minhyuk throwing eggs and flour on Rona's apartment door.

"Have you guys gone crazy?"

Mirae asked the two clearly confused.

"How could you still be friends with her when her mother is the reason our parents are in jail?"

Minhyuk asked the three while glaring at Rona.

"It isn't her fault that your parents helped in the killing of Min Seol Ah"

Seokyung smirked at the two.

"I can't believe you Bae Rona, after going through so much with you being your friend and all this is how you treat me"

Jenny said with tears in her eyes ignoring Seokyung.


Rona said clearly upset that Jenny was upset with her.

"Sorry Bae Rona, we're not friends anymore"

Jenny said tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Just you wait till Jenny's father comes back, he's a very scary person"

Minhyuk said to the four. Before Minhyuk could continue, Seokyung had pushed Minhyuk to the wall and was saying something in his ear.

"Oh right we should go, our mothers are waiting for us"

Seokyung smirked at Jenny and Minhyuk before looking at Seokhoon and Mirae silently asking them to follow her.

Mirae glanced at Rona, who nodded indicating that she could go before heading in her apartment. It hurt Mirae to see her two friends glaring at her but there was nothing she could do about it. They needed to realize that it wasn't Rona's fault but their parent's fault that they were in prison. Seokhoon grabbed Mirae's hand, something he had started doing a lot to silently tell her he as there or everything will be all right. Mirae smiled up at him glad that at least she hadn't lost the twins yet. She hoped that Jenny and Minhyuk would come back to their senses as well, that way she could help them more.

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