Chapter 11

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Mirae and Seokhoon had just come back and Mirae was sitting in the living room of the penthouse waiting to say hi to Seokyung when she saw Oh Yoon Hee come in the penthouse. Mirae being the curious person she was followed to see where Oh Yoon Hee was going and was surprised to see that she was going straight to Joo Dan Tae's study. The surprising part in this was the fact that the owner of the study wasn't in the penthouse at the moment. Mirae was about to go tell Seokhoon about it when she heard Joo Dan Tae coming back. She heard the housemaid telling the man that Oh Yoon Hee was in his study. Mirae didn't know what to do, she was too scared to stop him because who knew what that cruel man could do to her but she was also scared that he could also do the same or worse to Oh Yoon Hee. After mustering the courage, Mirae ran towards the study and knocked on the door. After waiting for a few seconds the door opened.

"Kim Mirae what do you want?"

Joo Dan Tae asked the girl clearly confused as to why she knocked.

"I wanted to tell you that Ms. Oh Yoon Hee left when she saw you weren't there"

Mirae said trying to stop her voice from trembling too much.

"Oh Ok thank you for telling me"

Joo Dan Tae said before hurriedly closing the door. Mirae was expecting a few more questions by lucky for her he didn't seem that interested.

"Mirae what are you doing?"

Mirae heard Seokhoons voice and quickly turned around just to see him standing with a confused look on his face.

"Oh nothing don't worry"

Mirae said smiling before walking towards him.

"I'm going to go now, tell Seokyung I waited for her but she was busy"

Mirae said to Seokhoon before quickly leaving. As soon as she left the penthouse Mirae took out her phone and called Oh Yoon Hee.


Mirae heard Oh Yoon Hee's confused voice from the other end.

"I told Mr. Joo Dan Tae that you left the penthouse"

Mirae simply said. Oh Yoon Hee understood what she meant and was grateful for the girls help.

"Oh thank you"

Oh Yoon Hee said to the girl.

"No problem"

Mirae replied before ending the call.

The next day everyone was sitting in the class waiting for their teacher to come. Mirae was staring at the flowers on Rona's desk, which was right in front of her. She could feel tears forming in her eyes and before she let them spill she took out a book and decided to read it to distract herself. Mirae missed Bae Rona a lot. He missed their interactions between classes, she missed going out to eat stuff with her and all in all she missed Rona's presence.

Mirae closed her book when Ma Duki came in. All the students scrambled back to their seats waiting for the teacher to start speaking.

"So as you all know that the winner of the festival is no longer among us, the benefit will be given to the Joo Seokyung"

Mirae smiled at her best friend, trying to ignore the murmurs coming from all across the place about how unfair this was.

"How about we remove the flowers now?"

Mirae heard Ma Duki say and at once glared at him. Eunwoo stood up to pick the flowers up and Mirae just started at him hoping that her staring would stop him or something. Seokhoon noticed that Mirae didn't want the flowers to be removed and he understood why.

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