Chapter 3

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"Do I have to go?"

Mirae whined to her mother. Eun Sook had just told Mirae that they had to go to Cheon Seojin's 20th anniversary show and Mirae, who had planned to binge watch a drama was not happy at all.

"Yes you have to go. Plus the Joo twins would be there so why don't you want to go?"

Eun Sook asked her daughter as she ate her lunch. Mirae didn't reply probably because there wasn't any reason for her not wanting to go, she just didn't want to. That's how Mirae found herself sitting in the second row next to Seokyung who looked as bored as her at Cheon Seojin's 20th anniversary show. The performance was good actually it was too good. Could Cheon Seojin always sing this well? Mirae wondered as everyone stood up to leave the concert hall.

"Should we have a sleepover today? There's a new movie out I wanted to watch it together with you?"

Seokyung asked Mirae as the two walked towards their cars.

"It's a school night. Should we?"

Mirae asked uncertainly.

"It'll be fine we'll try to sleep early"

Seokyung persisted which ended with Mirae agreeing with her.

Just as planned the two friends got together at night and after having dinner the two ended up snuggled in blankets watching a movie. As the movie ended the two finally fell asleep. After sleeping for about an hour Mirae woke up feeling thirsty. Carefully she got out of bed making sure Seokyung didn't wake up. After succeeding in getting out of the bed without making much noise Mirae crept outside towards the kitchen. She hoped she didn't run into Joo Dan Tae as she walked towards the water jug that was on the kitchen shelf.

"Where are you coming back from?"

Mirae asked Seokhoon who was walking towards his room clearly coming from somewhere.

"What are you doing standing like a ghost?"

Seokhoon asked the girl trying to brush off her question.

"Don't try to avoid my question where were you it's really late, wait do you have a girlfriend you know I did think about that you've been acting a little fishy..."

"I don't have a girlfriend, ok maybe I do have a girlfriend"

"That makes no sense"

Mirae said clearly confused by what Seokhoon meant.

"Let's go to my room I'll explain it there"

Seokhoon said before walking towards his room. Of course Mirae followed him curious about what he just said.

"You're dating Ha Eunbyeol?!"

Mirae almost shouted.

"It's not dating it's just so our parents break off their engagement."

Seokhoon said taking off his jacket.

"Seokhoon first of all if you're father will kill you if he finds out about this..."

Mirae started saying but Seokhoon interrupted her.

"He won't kill me"

Seokhoon said sitting next to Mirae on the bed. Mirae turned her body to face the boy a determined look on her face.

"He'll be really angry"

"I'll be fine"

"Seokhoon he could you know..."

"He won't Mirae. Don't you trust me?"

"I do but I'm scared ok? I really don't think it's a good idea and I'm sure if Seokyung finds out she'd feel the same."

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