Chapter 4

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Can I come over?

Mirae read Seokhoon's message confused by it a little. Seokhoon rarely messaged her like this at night. This type of message would only come if he were really distressed about something.

Sure I'll be waiting outside my apartment.

Mirae quickly replied back. After closing her phone, she crept outside. Her mother was probably asleep by now. It was like she was trying to sneak her boyfriend in Mirae thought to herself. Stop it Mirae don' think like that Mirae thought shaking her head.

After the two were finally in Mirae's room, Seokhoon finally spoke up.

"Ha Eunbyeol has gone crazy"

"When was she not crazy?"

Mirae said subtly rolling her eyes.

"But anyways what happened"

Mirae asked looking at Seokhoon expectantly. Seokhoon wondered if he should tell her the whole thing.

A few hours earlier, Eunbyeol called Seokhoon and asked him to come over. Seokhoon automatically assumed it was for the tutoring. What he wasn't expecting was to enter a room with no light other than the dim and subtle lights of the candles.

"Ha Eunbyeol what are you doing with all the lights off? Is Ms. Jin not here"

Seokhoon asked Eunbyeol who was sitting on her bed

"don't turn the lights on"

She asked turning towards Seokhoon. Before Seokhoon could answer she threw herself on him pulling him in a hug.

" I can't wait any longer, Seokhoon ah let me love you tonight"

Eunbyeol said in between the hug. Seokhoon was clearly surprised at what Eunbyeol said.

"What are you doing?"

He asked her pushing her off. Before waiting for an answer he left the room.

"Seokhoon, are you really going to leave like this?"

He heard Eunbyeol shout behind him.

"What are you trying to do? Our contract clearly states that we will just study together and share the same tutor. But if you're going to be like this lets not do this anymore"

Seokhoon said turning back.

"Don't call me here anymore"

He said turning back to leave again.

"Just promise me one thing, you won't fall for Mirae"

He heard Eunbyeol say.

"Mirae? What are you talking about?"

"I see the way you look at Mirae, the amount of time you spend with her, promise me you won't fall for her"

"Ha Eunbyeol you don't get to decide who I fall for or not. I'll get going now"

Seokhoon said before actually leaving the apartment.

"You were right"

Seokhoon simply said to Mirae instead of telling her the whole story.

"I'm always right but what was it this time?"

"Eunbyeol was letting her real feelings come in between"

Seokhoon said falling back on Mirae's bed.

"I told you, she's liked you from I don't know when, I've seen multiple signs like..."

Seokhoon didn't listen to what Mirae was saying. He was too lost in his thoughts. Fall for Mirae? He could see himself falling for her. He might have already fallen for her. But was he willing to loose the friendship that they had? He couldn't loose her. He had to make sure never to fall for her, not because Eunbyeol said but for their sake, for the sake of their friendship. It was annoying that he couldn't discuss this with Mirae, he told her everything, but he couldn't talk to her about this she'd know then. Sighing to himself he turned his head to look at Mirae who was sitting next to him on the bed still talking about how she knew Eunbyeol liked Seokhoon. An unconscious smile made its way to his face. Seokhoon knew he liked Kim Mirae he just didn't know what to do about it.

"Bae Rona! Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?"

Mirae said to Rona once there class ended. Cheong Ah Arts festival was finally starting and Ma Duki had just chosen the groups for the preliminary rounds.

"I'm sorry Mirae, how are you though?"

Rona said a smile on her face.

"I'm fine, plus I'm sorry about before I..."

"Don't worry you tried too speak up, what I don't understand is why Jenny didn't tell the truth"

"I'll talk to her, I hope she's fine"

Mirae sighed. Rona nodded believing that was a good idea.

"You're against Eunbyeol for the preliminary rounds, best of luck"

"I just hope she doesn't try to cheat"

"I hope so too"

Mirae said as the two continued catching up. What they didn't notice was Seokyung looking at the two. She hated the fact that Mirae was talking to her mother's killer's daughter. Another thing what was bothering her was the Mirae hadn't talked to her since the Jenny incident. Seokyung always believed they were inseparable then why did it seem to her that they were slowly separating?


Ok so this time I'm trying to add other characters pov's as well. I wanted to know if thats better or should I keep only Mirae's pov throughout the story.

Second I hope you like the story, Seokhoon and Mirae's relationship will be a slow burn because I absolutely love slow burns I hope thats fine!

Lastly enjoy the story and don't forget to leave your opinions because it helps to know what you guys are thinking about the story<3<3

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