Chapter 15

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"So is she on our side now?"

Mirae asked Logan. She was back at his hotel room and was there to 'annoy' him again as Logan put it.

"She might almost be"

Logan replied thinking about the woman who looked so similar to another he cared for.

"Why is this so confusing? Like does she love Joo Dan Tae? Is that the reason why she's not coming to right side?"

Mirae continued to question Logan.

"How do you know we're the right side as you say?"

Logan asked the girl with an amused look on his face.

"We don't torture and kill people, doesn't that make us the better people?"

"Maybe a little"


Mirae said smiling at Logan.

"Anyway do keep me up to date with all information, even if I don't understand it, I have to go now"

Mirae said standing up and getting ready to leave.

"Can't keep Seokhoon waiting can you?"

"What! No, that's not..."

"Are you not going to meet Seokhoon?"

"I am but..."

"Well then go, why are you still here?"

"Seokyungs going to be there as well and we're studying ok?"

Mirae glared at Logan before leaving the room. Logan chuckled as he watched Mirae leave. He knew Mirae got really annoyed by this and that for some reason made him want to talk about it more. One could say it was his revenge for all the times Mirae had raided his secret snack stash which was not so secret now.

"Seokyungs asleep"

Mirae whispered to Seokhoon, who took out his ear bud to listen to what Mirae had to say. Seokhoon looked at his sister and shook his head. This was very normal for the two. They'd start studying together and Seokyung would fall asleep maximum 30 minutes in and then slowly Mirae would also doze off and Seokhoon would continue studying till the two woke up. No wonder he was always the top student in the school.

Mirae turned back to her boring calculus when her phone rang. Without looking the girl picked up the call, not noticing it was a video call.

"Mirae ah!"

Hearing the voice, Mirae knew so well made her look quickly towards her screen.

"You? Bae Rona?"

Mirae asked tentatively, wondering if she was dreaming. Seokhoon looked at the girl wondering who called her to make her react this way. Before he could ask who it was, Mirae had already indicated him to wrap his things and go out with her.

"Where are we going?"

Seokhoon asked as the two sat on his motorbike putting on their helmets.

"To the hospital, Bae Rona's alive"

Mirae simply said and it was enough for Seokhoon to immediately start the vehicle and drive towards their destination. Seokhoon knew that Mirae had said something that was completely absurd and hard to believe considering he had been to Rona's funeral and he also knew that if it was someone other than Mirae who had said this he might not have believed it but he believed her. They just had this kind of relationship where the other always knew when the other was being completely serious.

Mirae didn't even wait for the motorbike to actually stop before she got off and ran towards the place Rona had told her to greet her. Seokhoon on the other hand struggled to keep up with the girl who seemed to have forgotten that he didn't know where they were supposed to go.

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