Chapter 6

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Mirae sighed looking at the notice on the notice board. She knew Seokyung would go berserk if she read this. She walked away before she Seokyung came to read it. She knew if she saw Seokyung upset she would probably be by her side in a second and she didn't want that right now. She noticed that yesterday when Mrs. Kang slapped Seokyung. Even though Mirae was angry at Seokyung she still at once was by her side when she got slapped. They were best friends after all and they did care about each other.

Mirae sat down at her school piano playing one of her favorite songs when she noticed Rona enter.

"You play beautifully, I wish I could play like you"

Rona said a she walked closer to Mirae.

"I'm sure you could learn easily you're good at everything"

Mirae smiled at her while Rona just shook her head.

"I wanted to thank you for the other day, for you know saving us."

Rona said a smile on her face.

"That was nothing, just make sure you repay me with a milkshake"

Mirae said jokingly with a smile on her face as the two burst into laughter.

"You know what lets actually go for milkshakes, and take Jenny with us"

Rona said after they stopped laughing. Mirae nodded agreeing that this was indeed a good idea. That's how the three girls met together at the café drinking milkshakes and just talking to each other.

"Jenny you know I'm so proud to have a friend like you, like you're literally so amazing"

Mirae said as she sipped her strawberry milkshake. Jenny just shook her head at Mirae.

"Honestly I think I got the courage to speak up mainly from you"

Jenny said with a smile on her face.

"Oh then I'm proud of myself"

Mirae said as the three burst out laughing. They continued talking about random things when Mirae's phone rang.

"Would you give me a minute, Seokhoons calling"

Mirae said to the others standing up.

"Aah she's ditching us for her boyfriend"

Rona said as Jenny laughed.

"It's nothing like that"

Mirae glared playfully at the two before heading outside to pick up the call.


Mirae said as she picked up the call.

"Mirae ah where are you?"

She heard Seokhoons voice. She panicked a little when she heard the worry in her voice.

"I'm at the café. Why? Is everything alright?"

"I don't think things are going to look good for Seokyung once we go home, you know our father"

Seokhoon simply said but Mirae knew the deeper meaning of it.

"You don't think he will, you know?"

Mirae asked him clutching her phone tightly.

"I don't know, don't worry though I'm there but I was wondering once you're free you could come over"

"Hmm I'll be there"

Mirae said. Seokhoon then ended the call after saying goodbye, Mirae sighed heading back inside.

"What did your boyfriend want?"

Jenny asked her teasingly.

"He's not my boyfriend"

Mirae said sitting back down.

"Keep saying what you want but I see the way you two talk to each other, Rona have you ever noticed him staring at her during class?"

Jenny said turning to Rona who smiled.

"Even before we were friends I had a feeling there was something between the two of you"

Rona teasingly said.

"There's nothing honestly, we're just friends"

Mirae defended herself.

"That's what all the female leads say before falling for the male lead and boom they're suddenly dating"

Jenny said. The two continued to tease Mirae who just rolled her eyes playfully at whatever they said.

After finally reaching Hera Palace she headed straight to the penthouse to ask Seokhoon what happened and maybe even talk to Seokyung seriously now. As she entered the penthouse she heard Joo Dan Tae scream Seokyung's name. Mirae slightly shuddered when she heard him but she knew she had to go to Seokyung and check on her

"Kim Mirae, how are you?"

She heard the man ask.

"I'm fine thank you for asking"

She quickly said before running towards the twin's study where she believed the two would be.

"I know for sure that Rona's mother didn't kill her. So stop dumping your guilty conscience on someone else"

Mirae heard Seokhoon say as soon as she entered the study. Even through his voice she could hear that he was really angry.

"How could you say that? You're the same as Rona."

She heard Seokyung say to Seokhoon.

"Seokyung are you fine?"

She said making the twins look at her.

"What are you doing here? Are you also here to tell me that I'm wrong?"

Seokyung said with tears in her eyes glaring at the two people she trusted the most.

"Seokyung right now we need to focus on getting you back in the competiton don't you think?"

Mirae said sitting next to her.

"You're thinking about that? You have a plan?"

Seokyung said looking at Mirae glad that she was taking her side.

"Its not a plan exactly it's the right thing to do"

Mirae simply said.

"What do you mean?"

"Apologize to Rona and Jenny. If it's sincere you might get back in the competition"

Mirae said looking at Seokyung waiting for her reaction.

"Why do I have to apologize? I'm telling you it was Eunbyeol's doing!

Seokyung loudly said.

"Seokyung even if it was Eunbyeol's fault everyone thinks its yours, be the bigger person and apologize. It's a win-win situation for you. If they accept your apology you might get back into the competition plus you'll feel less guilty about what you've done as well"

Mirae patiently said to Seokyung. Seokyung glared at Mirae wondering what she should do. She knew Mirae was right apologizing was one of the ways she could get back in. The other way was asking her father's help and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Ok fine I'll apologize"

Seokyung said before getting up and leaving the room. Mirae sighed resting her head on her hands.

"Seokhoon will things ever go back to the way they were"

Mirae said turning to the boy who sitting silently the entire time.

"Let's hope they do"

Seokhoon said looking at Mirae. Mirae hoped they did as well, she hoped it's be normal again soon. Little did she know things were about to get far more complicated.

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