Chapter 16

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"We'll be having breakfast here from now"

Seokyung said as she entered Mirae's apartment followed by Seokhoon and sat down on the dining table.

"Is everything alright at your house?"

Eun Sook asked the girl after asking Maid Choi to make breakfast for the twins as well.

"Nothings been alright ever since that woman came in our house"

Seokyung rolled her eyes.

"Seokyung, no matter how much you hate her at least treat her with respect"

Eun Sook said looking at Seokyung, raising her eyebrows.

"I'll never treat her with respect, I only treat deserving people with respect and she is not deserving at all"

Seokyung shrugged as Mirae placed Seokyung's breakfast in front of her.

"So does that mean you both are moving here?"

Mirae asked the twins sitting down in her seat, which was next to Seokhoon.

"Having breakfast here doesn't mean moving here Kim Mirae"

Seokyung explained it to Mirae as if she was explaining something to a two year old. Mirae pouted a little before speaking up again.

"It'll be hard for you to down everyday that's why I was just saying"

Mirae mumbled to herself.

"We have sleepovers all the time Mirae, your house is practically mine and mine is practically yours"

"That's true"

Mirae said nodding her head before eating her breakfast.

"It's been ages since we talked, tell me how are your applications coming?"

Eun Sook asked the twins changing the topic. The twins started talking about their college applications throughout the rest of the breakfast. After having a cheery breakfast the kids headed to school to learn stuff that would rarely be used in their future.

"You want me to come over?"

Mirae asked Logan clearly surprised considering the fact that he always complained whenever she went to his place. Just before she was about to go back home, Logan called her asking if she could come over.

"Yes, if you're free"

"I'm always free my life is boring and there's nothing to do in it..."

"So does that mean you'll be there?"

"Yup I'll be there as soon as school ends, see you later then"

Mirae said before ending the call.

That was how Mirae was sitting with Logan while he told her the plan he was going to work on tonight.

"You think this is going to work?"

Mirae asked because to her the plan seemed straight out of a movie. She didn't believe it would be as easy as it sounded.

"We have Cheon Seojin's support which kind of strengthens the plan."

Logan said to her making Mirae think about it.

"So do I have to do something?"

"I know you've been visiting Bae Rona for quite some time. You'll be with her and when I send the signal you'll bring her to the place I tell you"

Logan explained Mirae's small but necessary task.

"Does Bae Rona know about this?"

"She will don't worry about that and lastly I forgot to mention you should keep Seokhoon with you as well, he might be of some help too"

Logan said to Mirae with a serious face.

"Sure, I'm sure he'll understand"

Mirae said glad that Logan trusted him and that she wouldn't be completely alone once she sends of Bae Rona.

"I'm only allowing him to be there so you won't have to come home alone this late at night, I trust him enough that he'll make sure you're back home safely"

Logan said when he noticed the wide smile on Mirae's face.

"You can go to sleep if you want to"

Mirae said to Bae Rona who looked very tired.


"Don't worry, Seokhoon and I will handle everything"

Mirae assured the girl who looked a uncertain. Rona was confused when Mirae told her that she had to go somewhere in the middle of the night. But Rona trusted Mirae and knew nothing bad would happen to her wherever she was going.

Once Ron was finally asleep Mirae headed to where Seokhoon was sitting looking at something on his phone.

"She's asleep, I think all those medication she's receiving is making her drowsy and tired."

Mirae said to the boy before sitting down. Seokhoon nodded putting away his phone.

"Are you fine? Whatever's happening might lead to something happening against your father"

Mirae softly asked Seokhoon who was looking ahead and not at her.

"Whatever's happens I'm sure he deserves it"

Seokhoon scoffed. Mirae wondered what was going on in his mind. She knew he wasn't completely fine; no one would be if they were in his position.

"If you ever need to talk to someone you know I'm always there to lend an ear"

Mirae said smiling.

"I know and I'm grateful for that, honestly. Thank you Mirae for always being there for me"

Seokhoon said finally looking at Mirae. Mirae didn't know a simple thank you could make her feel elated. She didn't know a simple thank you could make an entire zoo run wild in her stomach. Mirae tried not to look flustered by was failing miserably, she was glad when her phone rang and she had something to do other than stare at Seokhoons handsome face.

"Should we bring her out?"

Mirae asked Logan who had just called. Upon hearing a yes she looked at Seokhoon and the two got up. Making sure not to wake up Rona the two pushed her bed outside where Logan told them to bring her.

"I'll take her from here"

Logan said as he spotted the two bringing Rona out.

"Will she be fine?"

Mirae asked as Seokhoon and Logan carefully put her in the backseat of the car.

"Do you not trust me?"

Logan asked Mirae closing the car door. Mirae just sighed, of course she trusted Logan but there was still apart of her that was worried something might happen to Rona.

"Seokhoon, we haven't met in along time, I have to talk to you about something later ok?"

Logan said before sitting in the car and driving away. Mirae and Seokhoon looked at each other.

"Last one there has to pay for our milkshakes the next time"

Mirae said before running towards Seokhoons motorbike, which was parked nearby. Seokhoon shook his head before running after Mirae, just two teenagers having a race scared of what would happen in the future but trying their best to happily live in the moment.

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