20:The Birth of a Hybrid Child

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After a few days, my spell on Jacob broke and all of the pack saw Jacob read the book of Hybrid Children and knowing the child in Bella is not a threat but would come to check up on us from time to time.

I was in the kitchen getting Bella more Blood and giving it to her and accidentally drop it. I had a feeling that Bella would fall, so I use my magic to stop her from bending down and place her on the couch.

"Sorry Bells, I had a feeling if I let u bend over u would do more damage to your body than it already and I think u are ready to give birth," I said. When I said that Bella's water broke.

"Okay everyone who knows how to deliver a baby follow me and Aunt Narciss will help out since she is in the infirmary to get things set up," I instructed. I use my magic again and lift Bella up and put her on the hospital table or bed.

"Ow, ow" Bella said in pain.

"Okay, I need everyone out except for Lily, Rose, and Edward to help me for this," Aunt Narcissa ordered.

Everyone then got out leaving me and Rose to help Aunt Narcissa to help with the borth while Edward is encourging Bella to hold on.

"We need something strong to do this," Aunt Narciss said.

"We need to do a C section, there is no other way to get this baby out. The baby is growing inside the stomache and we are losing time until the baby eat her/his way out of Bella and killing her in the process," I explain.

Rose and Narciss nodded and got so towels, water, and the tools we need to do a C section. "Okay, once I start on this process I need towels cleaning the wound and water close to me," Aunt Cissa instructed.

I made sure the water was near and cleaing the wound. Rose, Aunt Cissa and I gasp at the sight of a beautiful child in Aunt CIssa's arms. "A girl," I said after gasping.

I quickly went to get a clean towel and put the child in and hand her to Rose, "Rose I know u can control your hunger, so I need u to wash the baby and get her dress while I help Aunt Cissy and Alice to clean her and have her dressed and wait for her transformation to be done," I told her.

"So in the mean time the baby is yours to take care of and will have to go back to Bella after her hunt," I added as Rose nodded and left the room, while Aunt Cissy and I help clean the blood and Edward injecting his venom into Bella's chest.

Alice then comes in with a beautiful blue dress and put it on Bella. Aunt Cissy and I cleaned up the bites Edward did when Bella didn't respond to him earlier.

Alice, Aunt Cissy, and I walk past Edward before squeezing his shoulder and hands to not lose hope in Bella as she is going through her transformation.

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