Buster's comeback

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". . . please welcome . . . Mr. Jimmy Crystal!" Linda Le Bon announced. Music played.

Backstage, a crew member frantically gestured for Mr. Crystal to enter.

"You're on" bowser gently taps him, "go, we'll deal with this later"

"Come on out here, Jimmy!" Le Bon said. "Don't make us beg!"

"You don't wanna keep them waiting"

Snapping his fingers, Mr. Crystal summoned his two big thugs. "Moon got out," he told them. "Find him."

"And find his buddies Mario and Luigi" bowser added.

They nodded and rushed away. Stalling, Linda Le Bon smiled at her live audience.

"Does this guy know how to make an entrance or what?"

Mr. Crystal plastered on a big fake smile and strode onto the stage. "Hey, everybody!" he said, laughing.

"Good to see you! Linda! I got some hot news for you- you look terrific!" The audience cheered and applauded. Bowser watched as he crossed his arm.

In his hotel suite, Buster frantically stuffed clothes into his suitcase. The Mario brothers were panicking as they barricade the doors.

"What are we gonna do now Mario, our cover has been blown not to mention what's gonna happen when bowser catches us, we'll never get to Sophia again" Luigi was being hysterical.

"I don't know but we need to get out of here now"

"Now" Luigi shook him.

"I don't know, but you got to pull yourself together"

Then . . . DING-DONG! KNOCK, KNOCK! Someone was at the door. Mr. Crystal's goons had found him!

"Ah!" The brothers gasped, buster yanked all the clothes out of the suitcase, climbed in, and zipped it closed.

Buster heard the door open. He held his breath. Footsteps approached.

Mario and Luigi hold each, "well I guess this is goodbye Mario"

"Goodbye Luigi" but then....

"Buster?" said a voice. It was Ash!

"Ash!" Buster called from inside the suitcase.

"Huh?" Mario and Luigi.

"In here!" Ash and Clay stared at the suitcase as it wobbled around.

"Buster?" Ash repeated.

"I'm stuck!" Buster explained, straining to escape from the baggage, Mario and Luigi helps him out, that's when they saw clay.

"You gotta be kidding me," Clay said.

"Oh it's just a Lion" Luigi says.

Clay gives Luigi a suspicious look, "I mean, it's someone famous" he smiles nervously.

But clay reaches down and pulls off their disguises.

"AH!" Mario and Luigi panicked as their cover was blown again but clay was not freaked out.

"I thought there was something odd about the two if you"

Luigi takes his mask back and hides his face, "please don't hurt us" Mario begged, "we just wanna get back home to our sister" Mario shows him a picture of Sophia, it made clay frown sadly.

Ash tried to unzip the bag. "Hold still," she said, tugging at the zipper. "What are you doing in there?"

"Ash, the show's off, Buster explained. "Mr. Crystal got mad and tried to kill me"

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