Things go wrong

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"She wants to meet Calloway."

"Nice to meet you, Porsha"

"Big fan, aren't you, baby?"

"Oh, my gosh, I'm, like, so into vintage right now"

"So, where is he?

"Uh, well...I'm not expecting Clay on set just yet," Buster said, stalling.

"Wait. Is this, like, a sky-fi show?"

"Uh, sci-fi? Yes. Yes, it is" Mario and Luigi tried to sneak away.

"Oh, my gosh, I love sky-fi"

"Sci-fi" Mario and Luigi corrected her as they continued to stay hidden.

"Mr. Moon!"

Luckily, a stagehand named Sasha called down to Buster from atop a high tower, telling him they were ready.

"We're ready on the tower"

"Oh. Thank you, Sasha. We, uh...We're gonna rehearse, Mr. Crystal, so...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You go and do your rehearsing thing"

"Go, go, go, go"


Up on the tower, Sasha clipped a wire to Rosita's harness. Music started, and Rosita sang along as she walked toward the end of a diving board.


"All set.Just remember to release the safety catch before you jump, okay?"

"Okay, yeah"

"Is Mommy gonna jump off that board?" one of the piglets asked Buster.

"She sure is!" Buster said.

"What!" Luigi shouted, then Mario covered his mouth then pulls him away.

♪ If you want it ♪

♪ Take it ♪

♪ I should've said it before ♪

♪ Tried to hide it ♪

♪ Fake it ♪

♪ I can't pretend anymore... ♪

But before Rosita reached the edge, she felt dizzy.

"Oh my gosh"

"Uh oh" Luigi could see what was having, it was the same feeling he had when the family went rocking climbing: fear.

She looked down and saw how far it was to the stage.

Panicking, she dropped down and clung to the diving board, afraid to move.

"Gunter" she whimpers.

"Mr. Moon!" Gunter called. "I zink Rosica's hafting a major freak-out up here!"

"Oh, no," Buster said, rushing to the ladder that led up to the diving board.

"Hey, Moon," Mr. Crystal said, popping a snack into his mouth. "You really think the mommy pig's gonna pull this off?"

"Mommy pig?" Norman was offended as the Mario bros were.


"Absolutely, sir!" Buster asserted as he climbed.

"Believe me, there's nothing Rosita can't do!"
But when he reached Rosita, she whispered, "I can't do this!"

"Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" Buster asked.

"I-I mean, I've never been afraid in my whole life before, but I... suddenly, I just...I don't know what happened to me. Did my kids see that?" Rosita said.

Mario and Luigi in SING 2Where stories live. Discover now