Getting a chance

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Shaking with nerves, the case members hurried onstage with their props and costumes.

"Your name?" Jerry asked Buster.

"It Buster Moon," he said, "From the New moon Thester" He looked out into the audience to address mr. Crystal.

"And were very excited to share our eagerly with you today, sir."

"Yeah, great," Mr. Crystal said, unimpressed. "Now get to it"

"Of course!" Buster said, nodding eagerly.
"Yes" He turned to his friends, "Okay, guys, just like we rehearsed it."

Miss Crawly hit Play on a boombox, and their music started. Meena and Johnny stepped forward.

Over the music, Buster solemnly narrated, "This is the story of an ordinary high school girl who discovers—"


"Stop!" Mr. Crystal ordered.

"Stop?" Buster asked, confused. They'd barely started!

"He wants you to stop," Jerry clarified unnecessarily.

Miss Crawly stopped the music. The cast paused, not sure what to do.

Shaking his head, Mr. Crystal said, "'Ordinary and school' two words I will never be associated with."

"Never," Jerry echoed for emphasis, "never."

Mr. Crystal turned to his assistant. "Where the heck did you dig these guys up from?"

Jerry tried to rush the New Moon Theater crew out. "If you could all leave very quickly, we'd appreciate that. Please."

"I need big shows, Jerry!" Mr. Crystal shouted.

"Big ideas!"

"Yes, sir!" Jerry agreed. "Big! The biggest!"
Gunter stepped forward, raising his hand.

"Hey! I haff a big one!"

"Okay, honey," Rosita said, taking Gunter by the arm and trying to lead him off the stage.

"Come on. Let's go."

"You know, the sci-fi musical! Dat's big, right?"
Mr. Crystal looked slightly intrigued.

Encouraged, Gunter went on. "I mean, it's got za aliens and za robots and za lasers and zees amazing songs from, like,Clay Calloway-"

"Whoa, Clay Calloway?" Mr. Crystal interrupted. "I love Clay Calloway!"

The second he heard this, Buster jumped in. "I know, right? I mean, doesn't everybody?"

Mr. Crystal stood up and moved closer to the stage.

"Yeah, see, Jerry? This is exactly the kind of big idea I'm talking about."

"Yes, sir!" Jerry said, always quick to agree with his boss.

Mr. Crystal asked Buster, "So, what's this show of yours called?"

"What's it called?" Buster said, having no idea.

He turned to Gunter. "Gunter? You want to tell Mr. Crystal what the show is called?"

Thinking fast, Gunter said, "It's called . . . Out of Ziss World!"

Nodding and thinking, Mr. Crystal repeated the title to himself, liking the sound of it. "Out of This World..

"That's right," Buster said. "Just imagine it!"

He signaled to Ash, who started playing a Clay Calloway song on her guitar.

"A spectacular musical chat takes your audience out of this world!"

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