We arrived at the restaurant. Its doors are closed and devoid of any other patrons. He pulled out a chair for me, a gesture meant to be polite but felt more like a formality. I sighed, feeling the weight of my confined existence pressing upon me.

A female server approached our table, her presence a small reminder of the outside world I longed to explore, that other humans existed beyond just the two of us. I thanked her with a genuine smile, my eyes darting around the space. She served us started, but I didn't want to eat. I want to look at the outside world. The food was just food, something I could have anywhere. But the world beyond these walls, the unknown, and its possibilities felt like a distant dream, uncertain when it would become a reality.

"You are not eating," he picked up the fork, digging into his starter.

"I'm not hungry," I stated, my lack of appetite evident. The idea of sharing a meal with him held no pleasure for me.

"You're losing weight, April. You look thinner," he commented, cutting up a bite of food and bringing it towards my lips. I hesitated, my eyes shifting between the fork and him. With a raised eyebrow, he urged me to relent. Reluctantly, I chewed the morsel, forcing it down my throat.

"So," he licked the same fork that had been in my mouth, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's talk about Elena Miller."

I choked on my food, reaching for a glass of water to ease the discomfort. I gulped it down, trying to soothe my dry throat. "Why?" I placed the glass on the table, locking eyes with him. His grey eyes held a mixture of mistrust and mischief.

"Because I want to know about her. What she was like, how much you loved each other. I want the names of your mother and father," he paused as the server approached with another course. With a snap of his fingers, he sent her away.

"I... " I reached for the ice water jug, draining its contents in one go. No matter how much I tried, my throat remained dry. "It's been a long time, Liam. I don't remember them," I replied, a sense of unease creeping over me. I knew he wouldn't believe me. He chuckled, an unsettling sound filled with pure malevolence.

"April," he pulled me onto his lap, brushing my hair away from my face. His smile sent a chill down my spine, though I couldn't tell if it was from the AC or the sinister aura emanating from him. "You do know, and I can find out if I want to, don't you, baby?" he unzipped my dress, letting it fall onto my shoulders. I swallowed, looking around. I didn't want to be caught naked.

"What's your last name?" He grazed his teeth on my shoulders.

"I don't remember Liam. I was hit on the head. I only remember that" I held his hand, asking him to stop. He brought his hand to my neck and squeezed it from the back, and I whimpered.

"Lies," he let it go and yanked my breast out.

"What are you doing?" I tried getting off his lap, but his grip was too firm.

"If you move, I will punish you harder. I will fuck you before the entire restaurant staff," my efforts to escape seized. I knew he would do it. Grabbing a fork, he pushed onto my nipples.

"Now, baby. What is the real name of your sister?" he pushed it in, and it hurt like a bitch. "Tell me the truth about your family," he pushed it further in, and I felt like my boobs will bleed at any point. He chuckled, and a tear slipped from my eyes, and another one followed.

"Don't make me mad, baby. You know how much I love to bleed you," he didn't even try to stop his sick satisfaction from surfacing. I bit down my pain and stared back into his eyes. He knew I lied, and there was no point in hiding it anymore.

Burn Me RightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang