Late Night Pondering

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Have you ever felt disgusted about another human? Have you ever regretted doing something for them?
I have felt all these things.
They tell you what you want to hear. It satisfies you. You are happy. But then, their actions contradict every word of what they said. By that time, you are halfway through detox and you don't really feel betrayed. You feel an emotion called disgust.
At this time, you either want to tell them everything they did and demand an explanation or you want to ghost them, run and never return.
What if they are in your vicinity? What can you do? How do you behave? How do you deal with this situation?
And then comes the question of why you got so involved with this human, why you put in countless efforts of passion into this person. This is when you begin to feel regret and shame. Regret because, you put efforts for the wrong one ; ashamed because you let yourself fall for those diamond hard lies.
Now you take a strong decision. You choose to stay away. Choose that this person or what they do, doesn't matter to you anymore. Though they are in your vicinity, you find your Caim. You find solace. You then, truly begin to believe that you are worthy.
With this decision in action, your own fiend, a few traitors in disguise might tell you 'You are being impolite, you are taking drastic measures and being petty'.
You should know at this point how lethal this person was, how much you have gone through for and because of them. Stick to your decision, and keep it motion. It is just a phase, this too shall pass. You shall be serene for nobody can antagonize you for doing what is right for you. 

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