Hatred- p2

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weird, very weird for minatozaki sana to start a conversation with someone like me...
I mean she's rich,smart,pretty and she got that gentle smile.. and me.. im nothing but a potato.
I do say that i like potato so much maybe that's why i look like one.

"Oy nerd" oh no
I side eyeing whoever is that thing for a better look and yeah i was right, nayeon.

"I saw you talked to sana yesterday, what do you want from her huh?" She asked
Confused. What the hell is wrong with this bunny like hello??? Your friend talked to me first why are you asking me about this.
"Uhm nothing?" I reply hoping that she's gonna let me go

"Girly, i know you're not that rich but it doesn't mean that you can use sana like that. I dont want sana to play any of your stupid game. A dog like you should be on the street begging for money, not at school you know?" She laughed
Fuck. I hate nayeon so much. Why can't she understand that i dont need their money to survive.
i can work for it. But this bitch keep saying that im desperate for money.

Nayeon turned back just to be greeted by her best friend 'sana'
"There you are!!"
"What are you doing with chou tzuyu? I thought you hate her? Why you suddenly like This dog?"
Sana asked three questions at the same time
it's kinda weird for me, why? Cmon its sana
She might be perfect in everything but she's not like those types of people who loves to ask lots of questions.

"Me? Nothing much, plus EWWW wtf sana?! i'd rather die"
Nayeon spoke
What a bitch, it's not like im gonna start liking you after all of this. Die? I should be the one who said that not you..
"Nayeon i was just kidding okay chillax, its not like y'all going to get married with eachother" Sana said
"Duh i don't like the joke"

"What joke?" Huh.. the soft but also deep voice.. sounds familiar ..
No... way..

It's momo?!?!

Yes  im surprised since momo, the popular girl is here, even though she's popular and wealthier than everyone here, but its very different when she's with me.. I never get to know the reason why she was acting like another person. i always ask if she needs something from me and she just shook her head.

The next day she will act like nothing happened,
She just ignored me the whole day.

i remember when.. she helped me with my homework, ah not to mention but momo also smart. sana and momo perfect combo!
Its funny how these two are rivals but act like a couple.

a rumour that sana and momo become like this because of one person, i don't know why they fight for the very called 'special'. It's pointless.

Back to momo
I don't think she into boys
Cause like that girl literally flirting with girls only girls. Haha what a day to not be one of those girls!!

My thought was cut off by nayeons voice
"Ah w-what are you doing here momo?" Nayeon stutter,
ATTENTION!!! Nayeon, im nayeon stuttering in front of Hirai momo!! Lets pretending to be Shocked!!
Everyone at school knows nayeon is such a simp for momo, always.
It's not that weird cause i know she's gay for momo since day one.

"I wanna talk to tzuyu.."
Nayeon look like she almost passed out
"tzuyu-? Y-you mean.. chou tzuyu?"
"Duh who else"
And that's when minatozaki got into the convo
Momo turned to face sana.
"Why not?" She smirked

Sana about to protest but momo cut her off by grabbing my arm pulling me away from nayeon and sana.

"Bye guys, see you guys tomorrow!!"

I just know that nayeon will hate me more after this, i dont know about sana tho, i can't read minatozakis face at all. Weird. She is weird.

"W-wait momo where are we going??" I said trying to catch my breath, im tired of running now.
"Just follow me"
I do what she told me to, I followed her.
We walkandwalk nonstop.
Im starting to think that momo is trying to play some dumb prank on me, since its been 2 hours since school finished, and look at us still walking around the school. Momo seems like she doesn't mind walking all day. But i don't want to, i got lots of things to do like working of course.

"Shush" she shut me down.
"We're here.."

We walked to the door and momo genteelly open it for me.. what a woman are you momo?
Step-by-step, eye to eye.

"Tzuyu i always want to bring you here.. but i can't because im afraid of her."
Her? Who is she talking about?
"Her?" I asked curiously
"It's her" momo point to the picture and that's when i felt like my world just turned upside down.
"M-momo.. where'd you get that"
The picture hanging on the wall.. its a woman..
A Beautiful woman. My mom.

"I got my ways tzuyu" she smiled.
The smile that could change everything ...
"Momo why are you doing all this stuff?"
A question slips of my heart

"I do this for you, only you." She said
Making me froze on my spot.
"What are you talking about?"
The smile never leaves her face

"Tzuyu.. i would do anything if it's for you."
The raccoon stares right into my eyes

"Momo can you stop"
Sana?! What is she doing here???
"Ugh what are you doing? You should be with nayeon right now." Momo talk lazily

"Im here for tzuyu okay? Do you know what time is it now, she needs to go home and get some rest"
"What time is it?"
"Its fucking 11pm momo wake tf up!"
Momo give sana the "im gonna kill you" look

"I can walk her home"
"It's alright i will do that for you raccoon"
Momo sighed.

"Let's go home chou" Sana called me
"Wait what? What about momo?"
Sana stopped
"What about her?"

Hopeless romantic,chouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum