She's again messing up with his mind.

He closed his eyes welcoming her words.

I pulled him away from her,"Eric don't listen to her. She's not your mother." I said and this time his eyes looked dead with no emotions.

"Son tell me again...who is she?" She smiled evilly and he looked at me with a smirk.

He pulled me towards him and my body hit his hard chest,"She's my whore." He said and tears started falling from my eyes.

"She's good on bed. She's has got fuckable body, I'd love to fuck every night." He continued and i looked at the evil lady as his words changed immediately.

"Perfect..." She said and my tears didn't stop.

"How does it feels?" She asked and i was still caged in his arms.

She continues,"How does it feels when you love someone and someone else snatches him away from you. Just like I did." She stopped and looked at Eric who was busy caressing my cheeks and i feel disgusted with the looks he was giving me and his words already pierced my heart.

But i know she did something to him. He will never call me that word.

She further said,"Hellen snatched him away from me just imagine what grief I've been through all these years away from my son." She said and i clenched my teeth.

"Shut up...just shut up. Eric is biologically a Vincent." I yelled at her.

" your tone..." he warned and she smirked.

She told me that she always knew that I've changed the locket with a fake one. And she came here so that she can destroy Eric completely.

She was a truly a wicked soul. I can't believe she claims to be her mother.

"I saw it when you changed the locket..." Although i was so lost in my misery i asked her,"How?"

"I performed a witchcraft and by looking at this purple stone i can say this is not the locket i replaced." She smiled loudly causing my ears shrink. I cringed at her.

She looks so innocent. By looking at her face no one can believe she performs witchcraft.

"Just wait and watch how I'll destroy your husband infront of you." She looked at me and then to Eric. He still held me tight against him and i tightened my hold around him when she said she's gonna hurt him.

"Darling...I won't hurt him i know he loves you more than anything. Shouldn't i just kill you." She said and my heart sank. Knots started forming inside my stomach as i held Eric closed to me.

"You can't touch me. Eric will kill you before you kill me!" I said without any doubt. I looked at him and his face was blank. I saw the wicked women looking at Eric in his eyes.

"Don't look at her!" I said to Eric but he was standing there like a statue.

"Son won't you teach her a good lesson for disrespecting me infront of you." She said and he stood there silently,"I want you to show her hell on earth. Break her until morning, torture her mentally and physically and then just kill her. I want you to give her the most brutal death." She says and i can't believe my ears. She smiled at me and i shook my head.

"Such a cruel women you are asking him to..." She intruppted complete the sentence i couldn't say,"yes...fuck you." She chuckled.

"You've always been an obstacle in my path. Whenever I've tried to push Eric in darkness you've always stopped him by doing some or the other thing. But tonight you'll witness how devil your husband is...when he'll rip you off under him." She said and making my hairs stand on the end. I gulped down imagining the scene and my heart clenched.

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