Forgotten Love - Detailed Feedback

Start from the beginning

This is a side note, not criticism. I wanted to put it here since it applies: you're entitled to write your story however you want, so if you wanna make different fonts, use photos, use unique chapter names, use videos and songs, etc., feel free to do so. If I or others tell you what you should and shouldn't write/use or says "I'd do it this way...", I would recommend ignoring it. It's not about what they would do, it's about what you would do since you're the writer. 

Too many writers tell other writers how to write, and I have been guilty of this in the past too. They, including myself, need to look at it like a reader instead of a writer. So if you want to keep using fonts, I'm not saying don't do that. Use whatever you want, it's Wattpad, experiment with your style. No matter what you do, some readers will love it and some readers will hate it. Don't let another writer step on your writing style. It's one thing if it's grammar cause y'know, there is a right and wrong there. But creatively, do what you want. Experiment. Please be creative, I found your story very beautiful when it came to the formatting of how you used different medias to make it come to life. Don't let myself or another writer tell you what you should or shouldn't do creatively. They're likely thinking about how they'd write it, not how you'd write it. So write how you want.

Sorry that was a rambling and it wasn't even constructive criticism lol. I just really want to encourage creativity because it's Wattpad; no matter what people say, it's not that serious. And again, no matter what you do, some readers will love it, and some will hate it. Doesn't make it objectively wrong! Experiment with how you tell/present your story!

Back to regularly scheduled programming!

Watch word choice. You overuse certain words. For example, you use words like sigh and scoff multiple times per chapter. You also use expressions like "rolling eyes" way too often.

The person in your comments talking about the punctuation with commas and periods is correct. You have punctuation issues where there are run-on sentences and areas where the sentences should have ended. I would suggest hiring an experienced editor or using editing software. I've said it before in this book but I'll say it again here: I never recommend Grammarly for creative writing since it sucks with it, but for your situation, I would recommend using it just until you become more comfortable with how sentences flow and where you should put commas and periods.

I would suggest not using all caps. It comes off as overdramatic and hard to read. It feels like you're yelling at the reader instead of the characters yelling at each other. There are other ways to heighten the tension of a scene without resorting to all caps. Try to avoid it.

Watch adverbs. You use too many of them and they take away from the otherwise solid description of the story. Most of the adverbs are unnecessary or repeated. For example, you use "pleadingly" twice within two sentences in chapter 15.

Lastly, remember every piece of dialogue spoken by a different person should have its own paragraph. You do this most of the time, but you don't enough times that I feel the need to point it out.


"Hi," Raven said.

"Hey," Jimin replied.


"Hi," Raven said. "Hey," Jimin replied.



- Great job at building intrigue

- Ciara is an interesting character I was invested in

- Elijah 💜

- The couples are cute and well-written

- Some great description in the story

- The setting is great

- Nice job using dialogue to describe things

- Grammar issues (watch punctuation)

- Dialogue formatting

- Line breaks/paragraph breaks for dialogue

- Potential font glitch?

- Try to avoid all caps and adverbs



Forgotten Love is an intriguing story that makes you asks questions by the beginning of the first chapter. The mystery sprinkled in throughout the chapters gives the readers engagement and a reason to keep reading. I personally got sucked in and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a fic that will keep them reading. After fixing the grammar errors (particularly with punctuation), Forgotten Love has potential to becoming a fantastic all-around story!


Thank you for submitting your story. I hope this review was helpful and I hope you continue to write the story. I can't wait to see more works from you, and please let me know if you need anything else!

More reviews coming soon. Sorry I'm a bit behind, I got swamped with work this week and I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't even able to update most of my stories. I'll get back on track this week!

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