Love at Dawn - Detailed Feedback

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This feedback is for the book Love at Dawn by LiebeKlara. This chapter will be dedicated to the author. Love at Dawn is a powerful romantic tale with lovable characters and vibrant details. This story isn't afraid to take risks and, in my opinion, it nails every risk it takes.

I have a lot to say about this one, so let's get started.


Detailed Review

What Worked:

For starters, I have to praise the uniqueness of this story. You aren't afraid to take risks with your genre and narrative, which makes it engaging and, quite frankly, fun. Yes I'm aware there is plenty of sadness in this story, but the way it's written makes it mysterious, engaging, and fun to read. I got so engaged I forgot to vote, so I apologize for the giant vote spam I did at the end lol.

The way characters are set up and introduced is engaging. The subtle details go a long way. For example, right off the bat in the prologue, Charlotte is described as "little." It's such a small (haha) thing, but to the audience, it gives us a clear picture of how Charlotte is perceived. That when combined with saying Charlotte never lies paints a picture that Charlotte seems innocent. You have a keen eye for detail, and I appreciate that very much. The way you describe characters is top notch and seriously some of the best work I've seen on Wattpad. Keep it up!

Many others have commented this on the story itself, but I feel the need to say it here too: the intrigue is incredible. The hook is solid and you don't waste time getting to the intriguing part of the story. Your pacing is on point and drives the plot forward without feeling forced.

The word choice is overall solid. There is an overuse of adverbs, but I will get to that later. In general, your word choice is unique and adds flavor to the story. I will talk more about it in the next paragraph, but the historic element of this fiction is fresh and oozing with life. The words feel alive and like they're dancing with me as I read, which makes for an entertaining story.

Although I am not a fan of historical fics, the way the time period is described is admirable. Every setting is rich with life and has small details that makes it feel like you personally lived in that area/time. The world itself is vibrant and full of many layers. It isn't a black and white world, which is what makes it feel so realistic. In terms of worldbuilding, you convey the world well.

I want to say a bit more about the pacing. The pacing is never rushed or too slow. Every scene feels necessary to either the characters, plot, world, theme, or all four. The chapters are a nice length and never feel like they drag on too long. Nothing is rushed and everything has its time to get fleshed out.

I know what you're waiting for. Whenever I review anything, I know everyone is waiting to hear my thoughts on characters, and I like the characters here. As I mentioned before, your characters are set up well. They have their details and quirks that set them apart from each other. The dialogue matches the time period and also reflects on the characters. They have interesting thoughts and mannerisms that make them fun to read. And, of course, their journeys are entertaining too. I personally liked Andre the most, although I believe you mentioned in your a/n at the end that you were most proud of Edith. I see why: Edith is a great character and definitely one you should be proud of!


What Didn't Work:

Be wary of filler words. Words such as just, that, still, etc. While sometimes they are necessary, there are plenty of instances where you don't need to use them. More specifically, you use "that" too often. My suggestion would be to read the sentence out loud and see if the sentence works without the usage of "that." A majority of the time, you'll see you don't need to use it. If the sentence makes sense without it, trim "that" out.

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