The Shadow Like Me - Short Feedback

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This story was written by the incredibly talented and creative author, 123hikibakas, who won third place in the Eclipse Awards, Taehyung category. This is a very well-deserved win. I have so much respect for this author, and I encourage everyone to go read their work. This author has one of the most creative minds I've ever seen on this website, and every story I've read by them I've adored.


Short Feedback (2-5 sentences):

I'm sad that I'm doing short feedback for this story because I feel it deserves detailed words, but I will try my best (this sentence doesn't count).

The Shadow Like Me is an incredibly rich and detailed story with interesting characters and an equally interesting plot that really gets moving by chapter six. If you read this story, you are going to have your attention captured right away by the intrigue the author builds throughout the narrative. The characters are just as rich as the plot, and they each have their own specific roles in the story that make them stand out. It's hard to choose a favorite character because everyone has their own backstories, motivations, speech styles, and roles, which makes them super engaging.

There are some grammar issues, but they're minor. I already mentioned some of them in the Eclipse Awards, so I will stick to the one thing from the most recent chapter (as of time of reviewing—Chap 11): end punctuation. In the most recent chapter, dialogue often doesn't have end punctuation, but remember dialogue always needs it whether it be a period, question mark, or something else, like a comma if you're using a dialogue tag. Otherwise, I have no suggestions.



- Incredibly rich and detailed story

- Interesting characters

- Interesting plot

- Captures the reader's attention well

- Grammar issues, mostly the lack of end punctuation in dialogue



The Shadow Like Me is a wonderful story written by an incredible author who deserves more attention. If you haven't read this story yet, you absolutely should whether you're into BTS fanfics or not. You'll love the intrigue the author builds along with the character work. As someone who adores characters, they were my favorite part of the story.


I'm so glad I got a chance to read your story again. It's been hard with me being so busy, but I hope I get the chance to read more in the near future, maybe when I'm on break. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your wonderful work, and I can't wait to see more from you!

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