"That's right!"

"Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth! So everyone can hear! Hit me with the worst you've got and knock me down! Baby, I don't care! Keep it up and soon enough, you'll figure out! You wanna be, you wanna be a loser like me! A loser like me!" She sang to her heart's content before stopping and looking nervous.

"I-Uhm.." It was obvious she had forgotten the lyrics. Before either you or Mai could say anything, the door opened and a voice sang, "Push me up against the locker." You looked over and was shocked to see Gaku.

Woah! He can sing?! Wait! Why is he here?!

He walked over to Midori and put a finger on her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "And hey, all I do is shake it off. I'll get you back when I'm your boss." He winked and leaned a but closer which made Midori even more flustered.

Damn. Why can't I have a romance like this? Midori is definitely the main character, huh?

"I'm not thinkin' 'bout you haters. 'Cause, hey, I could be a superstar. I'll see you when you wash my car." You then realized something even more hilarious. Gaku wasn't reading the lyrics off the screen. He actually already knew them. The thought of Gaku listening to this song made you wanna burst into hysterical laughter.

Midori grinned like a child and grabbed his hand. The two spent the rest of the song duetting which was a but corny but judging by the look on Midori's face, she was totally into it. And it seemed Gaku was having a good time despite looking like he wanted to die at certain times.

Once the were finished, Midori happily jumped around. You laughed and turned to check your pocket for you phone and let out a short scream when you saw Kuu just sitting there.

"EH! WHEN DID YOU GET BACK?!" You pulled away from the sudden shock. She deadpanned and bluntly answered, "Awhile ago."

Damn. Why was she so quiet? I didn't even notice her.

Suddenly, Midori grabbed your hand and pulled you off the couch, "You should sing next!" Midori suggested but you pulled away and put up a hand in front of you and nervously declined. "N-No thanks.. I don't sing.. Unless I'm bored or in the shower.." Midori rolled her eyes and pushed you onto the stage.

You stood there awkwardly while holding the mic. They all watched you with anticipation. Why did they wanna see you song so badly? The nervousness wrapped around you like a python and squeezed your chest until you could barely breath.

Deep breaths.

You took slow breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. And eventually, you worked up the courage to find a song.
After looking for a few minutes, you found a long you liked but you weren't too sure about it.

You played it anyways, "A lucky, lucky girl. She got married to a boy like you." You sang, Midori had stars in her eyes as she heard you sing. Kuu didn't have much of a reaction. Mai, just like Midori, was hyped up and Gaku was just utterly shocked by your choice in music.

"She'd kick you out if she ever, ever knew 'Bout all the - You tell me that you do~." You started to feel more confident while singing. After all, you really liked that song.

"Dirty, dirty boy. You know everyone is talking on the scene. I hear them whispering 'bout the places that you've been. And how you don't know how to keep your business clean~!" You closed your eyes, forgetting about everything else.

"Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot! At the body shop! Doin' something unholy! He's sat back while she's dropping it! She be popping it! Yeah, she put it down slo- ARE YOU FUCKING RECORDING ME, MIDORI?!" You eyes opened and Midori's phone was pointed at you. Embarrassed, you lunged at her and slapped her phone out if her hands.
Midori yelped and the video ended. You tightly grabbed your wrists and yelled, "How much did you record?! Delete it! It's so bad! Delete it! Oh my God!" You shook her back and forth.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now