Chapter 5: If I send you my location, it's important

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This is completly a filler chapter because I have no idea what I did in the previous chapter, my apologies but this isn't really relevant to the plot. But it does include B R O T H E R L Y love. ~Claire Sand


Wilbur POV

I heard my phone ding and I was confused, who on earth could be texting me? Tommy was streaming (still) and Tubbo was with Ranboo, there's no need for anyone to need to contact me. "That's... weird." I mumble and pull my  phone out of my back pocket. I unlock it and see a notification from Tubbo... and it's his location? I though Tubbo wasn't going to send me his location unless.... shit Tubbo's having a panic attack.

I jump up out of my seat and run to Tommy's room, banging on his door.

"What do you want Wilby?" Tommy shouted from the other side. Aww Wilby, that's adorable. "Tubbo rang me, I'll be back soon!" I shout running to the door, slipping on my shoes. I fling open the door and start running to the end of the hall, making my way down the flight of stairs.

Curse the stairs, how dare they make stairs exist.

Once I had made it to the ground floor I pulled out my phone again, Tubbo was a mile away. "God damn it!"

'Looks like I'm running.' I think, and I start to run.


Whoever made running a thing, I am coming for you. Along with the person who made stairs!


I round the final corner and I see Tubbo curled up into a ball, visibly shaking. I run over(as if I hadn't been doing that enough) and engulf him into a hug. 

"Tubs, can you hear me?" I whisper, and I feel a slight nodd come from Tubbo. I let out a breath of relief but then Tubbo starts shaking even more and I can hear his breaths getting labored. 


"Hey, Tubbo. Look at me. Tubbo look at me." I whisper frantically, trying to gain the boys attention. Nothing.

"Bee's are shit Tubbo. As is piano." I try again, desperatly trying to get some sort of reaction from Tubbo. But my efforts are to no avail.

"Tubbo, listen to my heartbeat. Breath to it, okay? Try." I say, pulling the small boy onto my lap (if any of you fuckers think this is anything more than platonic brotherly love you can leave), bringing him closer to my chest, and I begin to run my fingers through his chocolate brown hair. 

"Shhh. Tubbo 'ts going be okay. Shh. You're safe with me. It's just me and you Tubbo. It's just me and you..." I sooth, calming the boy down. As soon as I feel Tubbo's breathing go back to normal I pull away from the boy slightly, holding him at arms length.

"Try your best with this, okay?" I say, and Tubbo nodds. I can clearly see he's a bit out of it.

"Name 5 things you can see." 

"You, my hands... why are they shaking, umm the building, the racoon, and the sky." Tubbo whispers, still shaking a bit.

"Good! Good! 4 things you can touch?" I encourage. "Your hair, the ground, my hair, and your cardigan." Tubbo replies, leaning into my chest ever so slightly, as I resume running my fingers through his hair.

"Nice job Tubz, almost done. 3 things you can hear?" "Your voice, the birds, and a car." Tubbo sniffles. "2 things you can smell?" "Gasoline and... your cologne?" "Very good Tubbo. 1 thing you can taste?" I ask, finally reaching the final question. "My tears, they're salty."

"Good job Tubbo, do you feel better?" I ask, looking at the small boy. He looks so scared and fragile. "I- yeah. Thank you Wilbur." Tubbo replies, wrapping his arms around me again.

"Don't mention it, I just want you to be safe." I sigh, pulling Tubbo closer to me. "May I ask, what caused this panic attack?"

Tubbo looks away from me and I have a feeling the answer is not going to be a good one. 

"Ranboo mentioned a stream where I said that I liked him. And then I ran here and sent you my location." Tubbo mumbled, avoiding eye contact with me. 

Oh... that.... wasn't what I expected... at all.

"I'm sorry that happened Tubbo, I'm sure Ranboo didn't mean for this to happen. Now, do you want to go get some icecream?" I propose, trying to lift Tubbo's spirits. 

"No, I just want to stay with you." Tubbo chirps, pressing his head against my chest once again. I chuckle, "Okay then."

And Tubbo says Tommy's the clingy one...

"Remember, if you ever need me. I'm here."

"I know WIlbur, thank you."


Well, thanks for reading that. Absolutly none of that was proofread but ehh. New chapter pog? Hopefully I'll be able to release the next real chapter in the next 2 days. Anyways, have a good day/night. 

And drink some water!!!!

~Claire Sand

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