Chapter. 3: Meeting a child

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Ranboo POV

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm blares at me."Shut up." I groan, rubbing my eyes. I was certainly not ready to wake up. 

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!  The alarm blared again, not shutting up.

I slowly sat up and turned off the alarm on my phone. I groaned and looked at my phone screen. It was 5:00 A.M, far to early to be awake.

I rubbed my eyes in defeat, I knew today was going to be a sh*t day. 

Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone rang, I glanced at the screen and the call was coming from Tubbo.

Why was he calling me this early in the morning?

I caustiously answered the phone call. "Hello?"

"Hi Ranboo!" Tubbo's cheerful voice chirped on the other end.

"Why are you calling me this early in the morning? It's 5:02 A.M..." I muttered, still slowly waking up. "It's only 5? Jeez that's late to be awake, but anyway Ranboo do you want to meet some people?" Tubbo asked, not paying any attention to what I had just said. "Um yeah sure? Who are these people?" I agreed, still half asleep.

How was Tubbo so awake?

"Oh just some friends of mine. You know Tommyinnit right?" Tubbo asked. My eyes grew wide. "Yes I know who that is, why?" I asked, my intrest piqued. "Well he and Wilbur, ya know WIlbur right?" Tubbo asked, and then countinued without waiting for an answer. "Well they both came to the states so that they could see my band preform! And since I told them I had made a friend they want to meet you!" 


"Tommy and Wilbur want to meet you!" Tubbo laughed. "Wait here you can talk to Tommy. TOMMY! COME HERE!" Tubbo yelled.

"Hello?!" Tommy barked. "Your the American boy Tubbo's talking about aren't you? Well he's mine! Not yours!" Tommy snapped, right before he hung up on me.

"Wh-What?" I stammered. My phone rang again and this time I didn't even bother to check the caller ID, I just answered it.

"RanbooI'msosorry! Idon'tknowwhyTommydidthat!" Tubbo rushed. "Woah! Tubbo it's fine." I soothed. "I'm still really sorry, he shouldn't have hung up on you. Hold up, I'm going to put myself on mute for a second. I have to talk with someone else for a second." Tubbo sighed, and I nodded. "Tommy get over here and apologize right now!" Tubbo snapped. Uh oh. Tubbo didn't realize he wasn't on mute. 

"No! He's trying to steal you from me!" Tommy cried on the other end, I didn't realize Tommy was this whiny in reality. "Tommy go over there and apologize to Tubbo's friend." A diffrent voice insisted. I presume that that voice belonged to the person named Wilbur. "No Wil! Why should I apologize to that American boy?! He's American!" Tommy retorted. "Don't be mean to American's Tommy, we've had this talk before." Wilbur sighed. "Hey um Tubbo? You aren't on mute..." I whispered, unsure about what was going on. 

I hear a gasp from the other end and then I hear a loud commotion with plenty of swear words. "Hello Ranboo, wonderful to meet you. This is Wilbur, I apologize for Tommy's childish behavior. We are trying to fix his attitude. Ummm... how much of that conversation did you hear per say?" Wilbur asked tentaivly. "All of it." I reply, sighing. 

Another loud commotion followed that and I heard Tubbo scream. "You child!" Wilbur yells at someone on the other end, presumably Tommy. "Ya know I can just call Tubbo back if this is a bad time..." I chuckled nervously.

"No! Ranboo this is perfectly fine! Do you want to meet up somewhere?" Tubbo blurted, apparently he regained control over the phone.

"Yeah sure." I grinned. "When and where?" Another loud commotion followed along with the sound of glass breaking. "Is everything alright over there?" I questioned. 

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