Chapter. 2: A totally normal walk in the park-

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If it shows this, " NEUTRAL" that means it's in the 3rd perspective, not the first.


Tubbo POV

"Hello tubbo, I'm Ranboo." Ranboo says, shaking my hand.

His grip is firmer than I expected but I find it strangely comforting. I looked up at Ranboo and he looked at me. In that split second of eye contact I felt a spark, it was small. But it was there.

Ranboo looks away from me and stops shaking my hand. I look at him once again and a thought of a good question to ask him. "How tall are you?" I ask, seriously questioning it. Ranboo seemed so much taller than me.

"Oh I'm... 6 foot 6 inches." Ranboo says, rubbing his neck. I nodd, how was he an entire foot taller than me?!

"So how are you Ranboo?" I ask, we had barely even talked to each other about ourselves. "Oh I'm pretty good! How are you Tubbo?" Ranboo questions. I could tell there was more to it than that but at this point I didn't care. I just wanted to get to know the dude.

"Oh I'm good. I mean I have band practice later, but all in all I'm pretty good." I shrug, not sure about my answer. The band practice was true, but I'm not sure the rest of it was.

"So Ranboo... is Ranboo even your real name?" I question, that had been a burning question in the back of my mind ever since I first met this Ranboo fellow.

Ranboo's face immediately fell and I could tell that I had certainly asked the wrong question. Ranboo started fidgeting with his hands and I could tell that he was uncomfortable. "I mean you don't have to answer it!" I rushed out, scared that I had just ruined our entire beginning of a friendship.

Ranboo's shoulders loosened up ever so slightly and I could tell that I had kinda amended all of my previous mistakes. "You okay there boss man?" I question. Ranboo shakes his head, probably just clearing away some thoughts. "I'm fine." Ranboo smiled, or at least I presume he did. It's hard to tell since he was wearing a black and white mask.

"Yeah umm... my real name isn't Ranboo. I just don't... I'm not really comfortable with sharing that information just yet. One day soon, I'll be ready to share it with you." Ranboo sighed, and I could tell that he was telling the truth.

"So Tubbo, why do you go by Tubbo if your real name is Tobias?" Ranboo asked, flipping the question back onto me.

Now I was in the hot seat.

"Well umm... since I had to make a twitch account I just used Tubbo and now I guess it's just kinda stuck." I sighed, I'm not even sure as to why I still go by Tubbo. It's not as if I particularly hate it or like it, it's just been my nickname.

"Oh that's pretty cool." Ranboo whispered, I looked over at him and I saw he was looking at his phone.

His hands were clearly shaking and I knew something was wrong. "Hey boss man? Are you okay?" I ask tentatively.

Ranboo POV

My phone buzzes right as Tubbo was in the middle of talking and I groan quietly. I pull it out of my pocket and check my text messages. It's from my boss, Schlatt.

Hey Ranboo, I have something very important to tell you. It's about work...

My face immediately drops because I can tell that this isn't going to end well. As I slowly reply to Schlatt's text message I feel my hands shaking.

I vaguely hear Tubbo finish what he was saying and I reply with a basic response. "Hey boss man? Are you okay?" Tubbo asks.

I don't want to lie to him but I know I will. "Yeah no I'm great, never better! That's actually really cool, what you were just talking about." I smiled, hiding how much it pained me to actually lie to Tubbo.

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