Weird, weirder, South Park!

Start from the beginning

With that, I return back to the girl's bathroom.

I should have known that Cartman is as stupid as he is stupor.

I get called into the principal's office, where Cartman is already waiting there with his mom, crying in her arms. Principal Victoria and my parents are there too.

"Oh god, what lying story did he tell you!", I ask annoyed into the room.

I can see from Principal Victoria's look that she doesn't buy Cartman theater either, but somehow he managed to convince his mom, and now we are here.

"Novella-Karin Campo!", begins Papà. "Did you really threat Erica here to beat her up if she uses the girl bathroom?"

"That's not Erica that's still Cartman who has one of his schemes going on!", I counter.

Cartman wails and hugs his mom tight.

"I told you she is a transgingerphobe!"

"I'm not and it's called trangenderphobe, you ignorant piece of shit!"

"My daughter is part of the LGBTAQ+ community since she was a little girl.", comes Mamma to my defense. At least her! "She never was transphobe, she always was there for her sisters and brother who struggle with their gender identity. This is ridiculous!"

"Mrs. Campo I understand you and your daughter, but I need to get to the bottom of this. Sadly.", mumbles Principal Victoria the last part, but I heard her.

Yep, she is totally not buying Cartman bullshit too.

I don't wanna have her job right now too.

"Also, Eric here-"

"-It's Erica, goddammit, mom say something?!-"

"-Don't get angry so fast hun, people need to learn your new name, I certainly do-"


"-Anyway as I was saying!", starts Principal Victoria again. "Erica wanted to use the girl bathroom and you Novella-Karin dragged her out of it and threatened to beat her up if she tries this."

I shrug my shoulders.

"I told a little boy, who takes advance of my transgender brothers and sisters, only the truth! I will not let him use them as an excuse to shit in the girl's bathroom."

"N.K.!", growls my father in warning, but Mamma gives him a little hit on the head.

"Christiano Campo, you rather believe someone else than your own daughter?!"

Oho, Mamma used Papà full name. She is pissed at him. He realizes this too, while he rubs his hurting spot.

Papà stays still.

Yeah, that's probably better.

"I see.", says Principal Victoria. "Sadly there is no evidence that Erica is taking advance."

"Not even that we talk here about Eric Cartman who is known to pull shit like that?!", I call in disbelief in between.

"Novella-Karin I can understand you, I really do, but my hands are tied. For threatening Erica you get a whole month of detention."

I stare at her in disbelief, while Cartman, the fat fuck, grins in triumph.

Oh just wait, I have still a triumph card!

"Okay if Cartman here really is transgender then he must have started hormon therapy.", I point out. "There are surely doctor notes that support his claim. If not he is lying."

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