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Hello everyone, thank you for deciding to start reading my book, here I will introduce all the entities in this book. Huge thanks to my best friends @Seek_Chan and @JaniaJJasmine for helping me.

Figure : A 30 year old, 8 feet tall boy. He is an extremely kind and gentle person who wouldn't even harm a fly. The only time it kills players is when he is trying to protect his friends. 

Seek : A 26 year old, 5 feet and 4 inch tall girl. She is the complete opposite of Figure. Unlike him, she is a very mean person who loves killing just for fun, almost all entities hate her due to the fact that she is mean to almost everyone.

Guiding Light : A 24 year old, 5 feet tall girl. She is a playful and mischievous person. She cares about all entities and they (almost) all care about her. She especially cares about Curious Light. Could she be keeping something from the others?

Screech : A 10 year old, 2 feet tall boy.  He loves messing about with his best friends Timothy and Dupe. Leave them alone for one second and there is a chance the whole hotel might burn down. He is quite insecure of his appearance due to the fact that he is just a floating head, so he doesn't really spend much time with others and runs away when a player looks at him. 

Timothy : A 9 year old spider. He really enjoys playing with his besties but he also enjoys drawing in his free time. He is the most responsible of the three of them although he is still very childish. 

Window : A 19 year old girl, whose appearance is unknown due to the fact that she is not allowed inside the hotel after being cursed by Glitch. She is a very shy girl who runs away as soon as someone sees them. They only feel comfortable with Shadow. 

Rush : A 22 year old boy. He is the younger brother of Ambush and is A-60, A-90 and A-120's cousin. He is very optimistic and makes everyone smile when they are feeling down. Loves telling jokes and making others laugh. Time flies so fast when you spend time with him.

Ambush: A 24 year old girl. She is the older sister of Rush and a cousin of A-60, A-90 and A-120. Unlike her brother she is a very pessimistic person always thinking of the worst possible outcome of every situation. No one has ever seen anyone as depressed as her ever in their lives.

Dupe : An 11 year old boy. Although he is older than Screech and Timothy, he is certainly not more responsible, in fact he is the complete opposite. Always hiding behind doors, ready to attack whoever who falls for his trick. He does not care if it is a human or an entity, all he cares about is the look on the faces of his victims. Fall for his trick and be forced to suffer hours of his maniacal cackles. 

Glitch : A 27 year old, 5 feet 8 inch tall boy. Considered pure evil by all entities. He is the cause of all the sufferings of the entities. Never seen after the incident by anyone but Void who is believed to be his only friend and the only one who knows Glitch's current whereabouts.

Void : An immortal being. The only one to know where Glitch is currently hiding. He is a very mysterious and powerful creature and make one mistake and upset him and your life could be over in a matter of seconds.

Curious Light : A 23 year old, 5 feet tall boy. He is an extremely brave and curious person always up for a challenge. He is one of the most intelligent people in the hotel, always sorting things out when things go wrong. He is very adventurous and fun and all the entities love hanging out with him. He is aware that Guiding Light has feelings for him but he just views her as his best friend (For now).

Shadow : A 19 year old, 4 feet 2 inch tall boy. Like his best friend Window, he is a very shy and mysterious person who barely anyone knows about. Once spotted he will disappear in a blink of an eye. He doesn't feel safe in the hotel so he is always trying his very best to escape with the help of Window, though thanks to the curse Glitch gave them, they might never succeed. He only ever feels safe when Window is by his side.

Jeff : A 19 year old boy. The owner of Jeff Shop. He is a very kind person who is unfortunately very gullible and easily misled causing him to get scammed quite often. He may look innocent but don't let that fool you. Jeff has a very dark secret. If you unleash his furry then there is no going back. Hidden away in the dark of his shop is not actually a creature with two tentacles and glowing eyes. In fact he is actually a human. A psychopath who love murder. Jeff The Killer is his full name and once he gets his hands on a knife then you better watch out.

Bob : Ever wondered why he is dead? Well this once very enthusiastic young boy stumbled across this hotel during a terrible winter. After running away from his home, he came and took shelter here. After managing to go on so far he decided to take a rest at room 52 and take his mind off all that has happened, not knowing that the innocent looking Jeff here would be the one to end his life. Now he is just a pile of bones reminding Jeff of his past ways and filling him with guilt and despair. 

El Goblino : A 15 year old boy. This tiny Spanish speaking goblin is the best friend of Jeff. He is the only one who is always there for him. Never once has he left Jeff behind. He has always stayed with him and always will (Or will he?). Also being the richest entity in the hotel means he gets a lot of respect from the others and if El Goblino is feeling generous enough, he might even give the others some money. Although Jeff is the one who receives the most money being his best friend and all.

Jack : A 21 year old boy. He is a very confusing person, always behaving differently everyday and he can get emotional very quickly. His mood is always changing for no obvious reason. The only time he has a fixed mood is when he spends time with Hide. When he is with Hide, it is like he is a completely different person. He doesn't know why but when with Hide, his heart starts pounding rapidly and he just completely forgets about all his past worries.

Hide : A 20 year old girl. She is Seek's younger sister. Unlike Seek, Hide is a very shy and gentle person who is always hiding away in closets. Her height is unknown since she never comes out of the closets and doesn't communicate much with others. Only a few even remember who she is since it has been so long anyone has actually properly seen her. Whenever she is with Jack, it gives her a boost of bravery and maybe someday with the help of Jack, she will set foot into the hotel once again.

Halt : A 27 year old boy. This young man is a very strict fellow who takes his job very seriously. He is quite a perfectionist and if he makes one tiny mistake, then he will redo everything till it is absolutely perfect. He also makes sure others do their jobs properly. He is the one currently keeping the hotel up and running but will it remain this way forever?

Eyes : A 16 year old girl. She is quite an unusual person. Finding lots of things others find disturbing, pleasant. She loves to spy on everyone and all the entities find her very annoying. She is a very successful spy who has never been caught before and if you ever do anything to upset her, she can use all she learned about you whilst spying on you, against you and she will blackmail you without hesitation. Despite the huge age difference, Eyes feels love for Halt. She just can't help it. All she can do is just spend hours and hours watching him and longing to be with him.

Snare : This 10 year old little trickster loves pulling pranks on others. Although one would assume by his personality he is a friend of Screech and his gang, but in fact it is the complete opposite. These two are huge rivals and will do whatever they can to be better than the other. This small plant can't help but feel lonely sometimes being the only plant related entity in the whole hotel. Pulling pranks is the only thing that cheers him up.

A-60 :  A 19 year old boy. He is the cousin of Rush and Ambush and younger brother of A-90 and A-120. He is quite a nice and playful person, but he is very sly and won't give up without a fight. He is very overprotective of his family so if you hurt any of them, he will rip you apart.

A-90 : A 21 year old boy. This creature has some anger issues and will lose his mind whenever he gets mad. That is why he doesn't leave the Rooms realm too often as he has fear that he might lose his temper and destroy the hotel. Although that doesn't mean he doesn't lose his anger when in the Rooms realm.

A-120 : A 23 year old girl. She is very optimistic just like Rush and she will never stop smiling near others. Although she does get upset very easily, she tries to hide it as best as possible when others are around only causing herself to suffer. When alone she spends most of her time crying and trying to forget about the upsetting thing that happened to her that day.

Thank you for reading. I hope y'all understand the entities a bit more and I hope you enjoy the story yet to come. 😁

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