Chapter 9

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Butters POV|

I crouched down a bit waiting for whatever was coming up to come up.

I needed to know, and I was probably getting grounded when I got home so I had to know now! This is all Eric's fault.

I waited longer and longer it was 30 minutes later and my legs were starting to feel weak and tingling. But as soon as I was about to leave I heard someone. No not someone I heard Kenny.

So instead I froze completely slowly turning my head to where I heard the "soft" voice and there slowly climbing out of the big well was Kenny. I didn't know if I should go out of my hiding spot and run to him or keep hiding.

Who knows, this could be another one of Eric's tricks! But even though Kenny looked so bruised and tired I just wanted to give the poor fella a big long hug. Would that be weird?

At that moment Kenny's head quickly turned to where I was making me flinch and bump my head on whatever was behind me. Scared I closed my eyes tightly, I don't know why I was scared but I could just feel this uneasy feeling in my stomach.

It made me want to vomit.

When I couldn't hear anything I opened my eyes only to find myself in my room wrapped in the blankets and the sound of my phone ringing very loudly.

My sight was really blurry so it took me a while trying to get my phone, when I did get it in my hand I looked at who was calling me.

'Why is Eric calling me? ' I asked myself then sighed answering the phone "Hey Eric.. "

"Butters!!! Oh my fucking god finally!!! I waited forever!! " he whined obviously doing something else as he was talking to me.

"Sorry I.. Uh I just woke up.. " I scratched the back of my head.

"Ok? I don't give a fuck! I need to tell you something important!! " He whispered the last part very softly.

"Oh ok Eric, go ahead tell me! " I said trying to sound more awake and energetic.

"Ok meet me at sparks pond. Please. " He whispered even more quietly.

"Ok.. But Eric what is this-" before I could finish my sentence he sighed the hung up.

'Well that's really weird.. I hope this isn't some mean trick.. ' I thought to myself as I got up and brushed my teeth, it was really early so my parents are probably asleep. Suddenly I got another phone call.

"Hello" I said while I brushed my teeth putting the phone in speaker.

"Oh thank god! Hey butters! " I heard on the other side of the phone.

"Tolkien? Oh gosh did you want me to come today!? " I asked quickly putting my tooth brush down.

"Yea if that's ok? I really need your help! " he said with a slight chuckle

"Uh.. Yea of course! When do you want me over? " I put my tooth brush away and walked out the bathroom putting out a few clothing to wear when I get out of the shower.

"Mm maybe in like.. 20 to 25 minutes? Is that ok? " he asked.

"Yea that's fine I'll be there in a little then! " I put my phone on the charger inside the bathroom.

"Ok see ya then! " after that he hung up.

I sighed to myself then turned on the shower taking off my clothes and hopping inside cleaning my body and enjoying the nice warm water splashing all over my body but after maybe 15 minutes I got out. Tolkien's house was kinda far away and I didn't want to be late. So I quickly put on a sky blue sweater and some grey knee shorts.

After that I checked the time it was 6:31 I don't know how everyone was so active at this time on a Saturday this early in the morning. Usually I'll watch up at 8 or 4 but never 6! 6 is way too early.

I started walking to his house quickly walking faster when I saw Kenny's house. I completely forgot his house was on the way to Tolkien's. Don't ask me why I take that way I just feel like it goes faster sometimes.

I saw one of those weird strange guys outside on the side of his house but I couldn't think of looking at him longer It felt like Kenny would just jump out of his house and scream at me.

Something was wrong with that house and I knew it.

(This one is kinda rushed 🥲👍 sorry for any mistakes!)

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